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Easy Way to Sear Steaks & Burgers without spending a lot of Cash


is One Chatty Farker
May 9, 2011
I salvaged some 12" x 15" cast iron grates from a gasser that had been tossed out. I thought about using them on my offset smoker. Decided against that. I figured the low & slow method would just make clean up harder. Not hot enough to burn it off clean.
Then I had another brain fart. I just set the CI grate on top of my 22.5 hinged grate. I fits between the hinges perfect. Could of been 2" longer, but hey, it was FREE!


That will work just fine. I'll never buy cast iron grates for my kettles, I just borrow one from my Char-Griller.
Yip, I did the same thing with a busted Charbroil infrared burner in the scrap bin at Home Depot. It works grate, no more flare ups.

This is an awesome thread!!! I do believe I just found a great idea for my next steak cook!! Thanks fellas!!
Had a brain fart or three myself!

Char Broil grates salvaged from a gasser.

My Performer came with the original Cast Iron Sear Grate



Salvaged Weber Genesis cast iron grate fit as well.



Lodge used to make a hefty one that fits the 22" kettle, if you can find one it would be a score!

Grill Grates are the chit too!
