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Almost pickled now...

Please accept this Official Entry into the "Let's Get Pickled" TD

This is my official entry titled, "In and Out Pickles." :mrgreen:

This was a tough theme considering the time I had available to pickle something. My ideal entry would have been Korean BBQ with homemade kimchi, but since this week didn't work for a complicated TD entry, I chose to keep it simple by using existing pickles as an appetizer or snack.

Assembled ingredients: 1 lb. ground Tamworth pork, Bick's Dill Pickles, onion powder and white peppercorns, coriander, celery, cumin, dill (not in photo), mustard seeds all ground up to make my own low sodium spice mix.

The spice mix on ground pork ready to be mixed.


I rifled through my drawers to find a pickle tool. Found a couple, after a few fumbling tries to core my pickle I realized a straight tool is not going to core a crooked pickle. Decided to slice lengthwise and gut that way. Gutted with both the borer and the paring knife. Knife wins!


Sliced and gutted pickles.


To make these proper "In and Out Pickles" they had to get porked in and out.



Smokin' porked "In and Out Pickles".



And voilà, I present "In and Out Pickles" with sour cream and a pickle jar of ale. Let's get pickled!



These pickles are a hit and would make a great addition to any Sports Bar appetizer menu. We ate them with smoked whole potatoes and sour cream, what a delight! I can see making them as a snack with ABTs for time spent tending smokers and drinking beer with friends.

Thanks for looking!
This is my Official Entry into "Let's get Pickled Throwdown"

I call this The Peekle Burger.

Let's start with the ingredients. I used half ground chuck and sirloin beef. Then we have some Vlasik Farmer's Market Kosher Dills. If you haven't tried these your missing a really good pickle. Add to this bacon for the pickles and some Rolfs Neon Green relish, dill pepper jack cheese, and of course mustard and Dill Pickle chips..........:becky:

Pickles are wrapped and seasoned with some Butt Rub

Here the pickles are coming along nicely and time to put on the burgers

And a closer look at those pickles. After all they are the star right.............:clap2:

Toasting the bun and adding the Dill Pepper Jack Cheese

And the build stage one bun and bacon wrapped pickles

Neon Green Relish

Now for the cheese covered burger and a slice of red onion

Finally add some more relish and a topper of some spicy brown mustard

And this is my Official Money Shot Entry Submisson. "The Peekle Burger"

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Nice Peekle burger! Great idea on how to use bacon wrapped peekles. I was going that way but peeps already done that. Had to change it up.
Official "Let's Get Pickled" Throwdown entry

This is my Official "Let's Get Pickled" Throwdown entry

Using some homemade pickled items for this Throwdown.
Dill Pickles, Spicy Garlic pickles, Dill chips, Bread and butter chips, Red Chile pepper, Jalapenos, Cauliflower, and Asparagus

Let’s start with a beer – Mac & Jacks African Amber!
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Here is the Relish ingredients chopped, mixed, and drained
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Fresh relish finished product
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Fixins for potato salad:
Potato’s, onion, celery, Eggs, Mayo, mustard, Black pepper, Bacon, Dill Pickle juice, and Homemade relish
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Making the Salad
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Potato salad with fresh homemade relish
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Ribs and biscuits on the grill (recipe testing the ribs)
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Grillin some homemade peperoni and dill pickles
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Biscuits, butter, red onions, peperoni, smoked mozzarella, fry sauce, and of course grilled Dill Pickle!
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Here is a collection of homemade pickled items used in this cook
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Now it’s time to get Bloody pickled! Here are the ingredients
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Frozen clam cube from the last steamer clam party (a must in a Bloody Mary) With my friend!
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Plated the ribs, Potato salad garnished with Bacon and Homemade relish, Pickle and meat biscuit, Dill chips, Pickled Asparagus, and a big ole Dill pickle!
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Here is the combo plated dish and Picked Bloody Mary
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The Bloody has pickled: Dill Pickles, Spicy Garlic pickles, Dill chips, Bread and butter chips, Red Chile pepper, Jalapenos, Cauliflower, Asparagus, onions, pepperoncini, hot yellow chilies, Baby Corn, and mushrooms. (Bacon, celery, and black peppercorns are not pickled) Bakon vodka, Bloody Mary mix, Worchestershire, Dirty Martini Olive Juice, Johnny's salad elegance, celery seed, Clam nector cube, with a Bacon salt rimmed mug!

Mr. Let's Get Bloody Pickled Mary !
View attachment 83889
Please use Mr. LGBPM as my entry shot
Thanks for lookin!

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Smokedawg that is outstanding...........Almost everything was pickled including you. That lab looks just like didn't steal him while you were here.....did you.........:twitch: great cook.:clap2:
Smokedawg that is outstanding...........Almost everything was pickled including you. That lab looks just like didn't steal him while you were here.....did you.........:twitch: great cook.:clap2:

Thanks Blueman! you are right about everything pickled! :loco: Yes I did drink that big arse Mary!

Every good man needs a good dog and the Blonde Labs are a great choice