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Dinosaur BBQ Troubles in Syracuse.

Anybody else hear it's been shut down? True? Anybody know the reason?
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BrooklynQ said:
Anybody else hear it's been shut down? True? Anybody know the reason?

Dum rumor call 212-694-1777 and see for yourself they even have a live band 2 nite and the place closes at 11PM but she said cmon down if i want to just listen to the band and that are open tomorrow
While my access to the coconut telegraph is limited, the jungle drums had indicated that it was for sale at least a month or two ago.
"A possible viral illness shuts down a Syracuse favorite. The Dinosaur Bar-B-Que will be closed through the weekend after 270 people became ill after eating there. As News 10 Now's Cait McVey tells us, the county health department believes the illnesses stem from a viral infection passed between employees at the restaurant and the customers."

What do you think will happen when you hire illegals with Hep C, tuberculosis and meningitis?
Smoker said:
What do you think will happen when you hire illegals with Hep C, tuberculosis and meningitis?
Where did you get that info ? I haven't read anything about illegals, Hep C , TB or meningitis. Do you know for a fact that Dinosaur hires illegal aliens ? Even if they do virul infections aren't exclusive to illegal aliens or non americans for that matter. An employee may have gotten the virus from a patron and spread it to the rest of the employees who knows ? Do you ?
I'd say that they have the blues right now....
This just in... Remember it's the Sryacuse branch, NOT NYC

More than 600 report illness related to Dinosaur Bar-B-Que
The number of illnesses connected to the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que in Syracuse is now up to more than 600. Initial complaints came from people who ate at the restaurant either last Friday or Saturday night. But now, people who ate leftovers taken from the Dinosaur on those nights and others who may have come into contact with those that were ill are coming forward.

Preliminary tests show that the illness was not bacterial in nature, but more tests are still being conducted. So, while health officials say it could be something viral, they think it's too early to be sure.

“One advantage to viral infections with this particular type that we may be looking at is that they tend to be very self-limited, they tend to be shorter acting, they tend to be 12 to 48 hours. But, unfortunately they tend to be much more contagious,” Onondaga Health Commissioner Dr. Cynthia Morrow said.

Despite the steady increase in illnesses, the restaurant is still scheduled to open back up Monday morning after being disinfected and throwing prepared food out.

Anyone who feels their sickness may be related to the Dinosaur is asked to call the Onondaga County Health Department.
600 People!!! from two nights worth of food. Sounds like some people are jumping on the bandwagon. I hope this does not get out of control. Keep us updated on the situation.