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somebody shut me the fark up.
Apr 29, 2012
Started with 3 ribeyes for me and the kids and some small fillets for Misses 4ever3, not really sure what the cuts are, but that’s the name on the label and she loves them, so we’re going with it!

A light coat of EVOO and then some Redmond’s real salt and some Carne Crosta...

Then came the shrimp... The Misses and one kid wanted nothing to do with Crucible, so they got Smoked Chili Lime...

Me and the other kid got a healthy dose of Smoked Chili Lime and Crucible!

The Griddle is ready on Mabel!!!

Steaks went on for one minute per side and so did the shrimp!

It was all fantastic!!!

Sorry, I forgot to get a cut shot of the steak but they were NAILED!!!

The Crucible shrimp was so hot it brought tears to me and Sophie’s eyes but we both decided we could handle a little more next time! That chit is HOT but the Smoked Chili Lime brings a sour that ya just can’t say no to!

Thanks for lookin y’all!

p.s. sorry I forgot the cut shot of the steak...
Great looking steaks. at 728 for a minute per side were they reverse seared? What doneness were they? Thanks!
Great looking steaks. at 728 for a minute per side were they reverse seared? What doneness were they? Thanks!

No reverse sear, they were seasoned and left on the counter for 30’ish minutes then straight to the griddle, it’s a medium rare but keep in mind I but a whole prime rib roast and slice the ribeyes from it and I slice them 1” thick. I’ve come to decide that is the thickness I like and 1 minute per side nails the finish for me. As I stated above, I forgot a sliced pic but here’s what it turns out like nearly every time...

Man, starting with breakfast, you’ve eaten like a king today! Another great cook, buddy :)