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is One Chatty Farker

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Nov 28, 2013
North Granby, CT
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Was channel surfing tonight and saw a new version of the show where during the pandemic, chefs are sending Guy Fieri recipes to cook at home vs him going places. Show aside, the grill setup he has in the background looks really flippin cool. Different than the, also pretty amazing set, he had in his other show also claimed to have been filmed at his house. Maybe it's just different angles but I didn't think so. Could be new acquisitions though I guess.

Current setup seems to have a couple Santa Maria grills, a pizza oven, one of those portable Brazilian rotisseries etc.

None of which I really need -- which is further evidence that what I "need" is help. :crazy:

It might well all be custom build but would be curious if anyone else who saw any of the new series recognized anything from a commercial manufacturer
I saw a profile on him on a very good TV program called CBS Sunday Morning. Seems like a nice fellow with a goofy haircut.
I saw a profile on him on a very good TV program called CBS Sunday Morning. Seems like a nice fellow with a goofy haircut.

I watched him for years on DDD, and i always wondered how good his food actually was. I have yet to try anything he made, but i have tried his BBQ sauces and i was not impressed.
I watched him for years on DDD, and i always wondered how good his food actually was. I have yet to try anything he made, but i have tried his BBQ sauces and i was not impressed.

Was in Louisville a few years back, went touristing to 4th Street Live one evening. Saw that guy had a restaurant there, popped in for a cocktail. Asked for a Jim Beam & Coke, the most popular bourbon in the US. They don't have it, I guess for some reason they're not allowed to sell it. Checked out the menu and had quite the chuckle... If you've seen almost any DDD episode, you'll know that he hates eggs. Yet...

Huge fan of Guy. Haven't been to his restaraunts but, freinds have his cheesburger place, chicken place and Vegas restaurant. They all agreed very good food. If you want to listen to him O&A and aslo Opie Radio has done some spots with him as well as with The Cuban. Funny stuff, down to earth not to mention hackin on each other
He's got a nice car...but he wears his sunglasses on the back of his head sooo...

j/k- seems like I nice guy- but it's good to keep in mind that these "reality shows" are anything but.
A few years ago, we had wildfires ravage Santa Rosa CA. Lots of churches were brought in to help with disaster relief/food/etc. We had a group there from our church. It was a Saturday morning and guess who rolled up to help? Guy and crew. Quite a few of us thought he’d be there for a short time, get some killer media pics and be gone. WRONG! Guy and his crew were there to serve from sun-up to sun-down. They were humble and had a crazy good work ethic. That day left us feeling ashamed for judging him and left us WAY impressed with him as a human being :)
A few years ago, we had wildfires ravage Santa Rosa CA. Lots of churches were brought in to help with disaster relief/food/etc. We had a group there from our church. It was a Saturday morning and guess who rolled up to help? Guy and crew. Quite a few of us thought he’d be there for a short time, get some killer media pics and be gone. WRONG! Guy and his crew were there to serve from sun-up to sun-down. They were humble and had a crazy good work ethic. That day left us feeling ashamed for judging him and left us WAY impressed with him as a human being :)

The segment I saw on him was about how he has raised millions of dollars for restaurant workers that lost income due to the pandemic. Seems like a good person, with a goofy hairstyle.
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Guys Burger Bar on Carnival Cruises is a meat sweats and food coma inducing overindulgence. You could put that Donkey Sauce on a flip flop......
I've always liked Guy and DDD, he's a little zaney at times but I like how he never got into the negative /overally critical food critic personality.

He's always nice and seems like a genuine person.

I've worked in kitchens, I don't get how anyone can relax by watching a famous tv chef berate and demean someone who is barely scraping by.
I can see how his personality might be a turn off for some but, I like his DDD show for bringing relatively unknown places to eat to the publics attention.

People at large are so focused on McDonalds, Burger King, Applebees, Cracker Barrel, Denny's, etc. that dining in general has become dumbed down and bland in many cases. I for one, really like the Sonoran Hotdogs, Arepas, etc. that DDD highlights and the hard working people behind the gas station Hispanic/Latino eateries, food trucks and, late night food carts in addition to the more traditional restaurants and diners.