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Well.... ive ate off of numerous stick burners so i know i like the flavor..
I have several friends that have the cheaper off set units from Home Depot, Walmart ,etc..So i know what it takes to do it as ive been there countless times for the smok sessions.
This is a Shirley and if for some reason i was the only one to not like it im sure i would have no prblm selling it Lol..
And thats not going to happen!!

Well.... ive ate off of numerous stick burners so i know i like the flavor..
I have several friends that have the cheaper off set units from Home Depot, Walmart ,etc..So i know what it takes to do it as ive been there countless times for the smok sessions.
This is a Shirley and if for some reason i was the only one to not like it im sure i would have no prblm selling it Lol..
And thats not going to happen!!

exactly. i got my eye on you--half hoping you decide you're an egg man so i can get a discount shirley lol. jk. a stick burner truly is the only way to get THAT flavor. So it sounds like you're committed. I am like you--never considered any alternative to burning logs, because i'm just that way. gotta have the purest form of everything.
you will not regret the new Shirley , once you get it and see the quality that goes in to it and the ease of running it .:cool:

Thanks, that is good to know !
Its guys like urself that gave praise on the Shirley and encouragment to me to go ahead and join the Shirey family !!!!:thumb:
exactly. i got my eye on you--half hoping you decide you're an egg man so i can get a discount shirley lol. jk. a stick burner truly is the only way to get THAT flavor. So it sounds like you're committed. I am like you--never considered any alternative to burning logs, because i'm just that way. gotta have the purest form of everything.


Im all in !!