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Love my Highland!

The Highland has been a great smoker to learn on - frustrating as hell sometimes but it’s made me a much better cook (with smoke at least). I highly recommend a baffle/tuning plate (I stay between 5-15 degrees across my smoker). If you get a baffle, you’ll have to run the door and smokestack wide open since the baffle blocks airflow and a clean fire should be your number one priority. I also sealed the firebox but everything burned off after a couple of hot fires. I installed clamps on the cook chamber door but didn’t need them with the sealant (and I never use the clamps). I wouldn’t stress over making it airtight - the metal is thin you’ll lose way more heat from the surfaces of the smoker. Oh and keep the cooker as close to level as possible (pointed slightly down so it’ll drain) to help the airflow.

I’d also recommend getting a temp probe insert (Weber makes one that has worked well for me) and if you go with the baffle plate, some pans for water to put on top. Finally, I started stacking two of the charcoal grates in the fire box to decrease the gap size to hold ash and it works really well!

Happy smoking!
I got the extension from Island Outdoor that mounts on the side of the smoke box. I wonder whether the dryer duct cobble works better.
I have a pair of digital remote thermometers. I'll put them at opposite ends of the box when I season the smoker this weekend and compare temps. I've also seen a few people recommend pointing a fan at the door to the firebox. That might address the airflow/smouldering fire issue. It will be a little harder to modify the sheet metal than a dryer duct if necessary. LOL
When I was browsing for a small fan to place near the fire box, i stumbled across some small fans mounted in ac type duct pipe apparently used by grow houses. They had one mounted in a 4" pipe that i can plug into a variable speed controller, and run the duct the firebox door. The fan moves about 120 cfm. With a variable control I can probably get that down to 60-90. Overkill I know, buy it would certainly fire from going out. And less than $50. Might be fun to play with.
Thanks WC. I have the Weber grommet, just waiting for the drill bit to arrive. The baffle from Island Outdoor will be here tomorrow. I got a 4" one third pan (steam table pan) for water. It should fit on top of the baffle under the cooking grate.
I always thought people sealed their smoker to improve the vacuum which pulls smoke to the flue, not additional.heat.
I have the nomex, sealant, and clamps. I'll go ahead and do the gasket and sealant.
I'm waiting on my stainless bolts to arrive before putting it together.
It's supposed to be super cold and windy this weekend, will that interfere with seasoning?
Did you turn your fire box grate to raise the fire, or just leave it alone?
Thanks for all the tips.
Just checked a local store and the Highlander is on clearance for $140. I am having a hard time deciding if I should grab it. I have been smoking on a kamado for over a year and I have wanted to try something else. Seems like a good deal for an entry level offset.
Watch some of the videos on YouTube. It might help you decide. And look at the available mods from Island Outdoor.