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is One Chatty Farker

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May 12, 2010
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Entry into the Chicken Thighs throwdown.

Of course, chicken thighs in this house have a tendency to become Chicken Shawarma (what else would you expect?)

My niece had asked for that meal I'd made last year (the spicy chicken one similar to tacos which was SO good and she's been craving) so Shawarma it was, especially since it serves as an entry into the Chicken Thighs throwdown and today happens to be my birthday. (Yeah, the family thought it a bit odd that I'm preparing my own birthday meal but they know taking me out to eat isn't in the cards). :mrgreen:

The seasonings for the marinade, made yesterday -

The marinade, ready for the chicken. This was a double batch and I wound up needing to make a third to cover all the thighs -

Boneless, skinless thighs getting happy overnight -

I also made Naan bread to go with this, but the only picture I have is the ball of dough as it's rising, which isn't of much interest.

I set up the Goldens' with the additional grate since there was a lot of chicken and some peppers to grill. It's not the easiest task trying to flip items when they're under the third grate but I managed.

After the peppers were done I removed the extra grate and grilled the thighs in multiple batches. They're in various states of doneness here since I've added some to the front -

Plated. Served with two types of dressing, a sour cream based one and a yogurt based one (both w/ lemon, minced garlic and cumin). Diced cukes, tomatoes, mushrooms, lettuce, olives, roasted peppers added as fixin's.

Chicken Shawarma is ALWAYS a hit in this house and the family gathering was a success. It's fun being able to prepare one the way you like.

And, my birthday gift -

Do they know me or what? :-o

As always, thanks for checking out this post!

Looks excellent Care to share the marinade recipe I love that B Day gift Happy B Day BTW

Hi George,

The recipe is one I've been using for quite a few years from here -

The only thing different I do is thin the marinade with water to the consistency I like.

I'm subscribed to her YouTube channel, have made quite a few of her recipes. Nagi's videos are excellent in that they're short (2-3 min long), high quality and to the point. I made some triple chocolate cookies she posted a few days ago which were outstanding and have my sights set on a chocolate zucchini bread she posted today.

Lookin' good, how did you cook the naan bread?

Thanks! The recipe I use for the Naan bread is from this site -

Many times I get the Bubba Keg fired up indirect and use the Lodge CI pizza pan with melted butter which requires a bit of attention with two grills going. I didn't have the time today so Mrs lunchman got the enviable task of grilling the Naan indoors.

We used a non-stick griddle (first time for doing so) and a Lodge CI flat skillet (which she preferred). A bit of melted butter, toss the dough on til it puffs a bit and browns, then flip. Next time we'll break out nothing but the cast iron, it works better.

One stupid mistake I made today was to try and keep the bread warm in a 250 deg oven with the chicken while the family arrived. Bad move and I should have known better. All that served to do was crisp it further so it wasn't as flexible. Best bet is to keep the stack warm under a towel and if needed microwave it. I have a special tortilla warming bag that would have done the trick as well. Live and learn.

First off - Happy Birthday!

Second - That looks simply awesome. Great Pr0n, and appreciate the recipes and words of wisdom for the cook(s), too.

Have a great weekend!