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Keith will have them out soon.
Wait till you see all the things you can do. I'm going to have to do some schwarma over live fire when I get mine. I have a feeling it is going to be really good. :twitch:
Keith will have them out soon.
Wait till you see all the things you can do. I'm going to have to do some schwarma over live fire when I get mine. I have a feeling it is going to be really good. :twitch:

Yea that'll be one crazy arse cook horizontal. Nothing ventured Nothing gained as the saying goes.
my guess would be that chicken costs more in Ft. Wayne due to demand and lack of supply. you should feel guilty.:drama:
I'll get over it Paul....I'm greedy, the chicken is all for ME! :biggrin1: Seriously though I'm way more burned out on pork then I am on chicken....especially done this way.
I'll be doing a brethren commercial type of account real soon and can talk about the system and answer questions in that part of the forum but to answer your question is pretty soon it looks like, possibly 7-15.


Starting to create a budget for all my BBQ expenditures. :shocked: