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What about offering brisket, pork and sausage po-boys served with chips and a drink? Could also offer a combo sandwich for a buck fifty more... This approach would be simple and appeal to the lunch crowd looking for a quick bite.
you can make a small fortune doing BBQ... of course you have to beigin with a large fortune! :becky: (sorry, i had to throw that one in there.)

was looking first to see if anyone stole my line, which I stole from a Mr. Mitchell back in the 1980's... I have no idea who he stole it from. :clap2:
I make nowhere near the money that jbrink makes. However, he and I have something in common....Everything is paid for.

Low to no overhead equals less money you are paying for your eqpt.

Loosely translated. In this biz, paying interest makes you bleed, meant hemmorage, cash. When the guy pulls up with the meat truck, he leaves with a check. I don't go to the bank when I need a smoker, etc. I have pulled a paltry sum in income for my hard work, but I have about $25k in toys that are all mine.
Contact your local Small Business Adminstrative office, they are a free service that will help you prepare a business plan.

They will help you organize and run the numbers, they will help you find resources to quantify your target market.

They might be able to put you in touch with a retired person who was in the business who wants to give back and share knowledge.

You need a plan to get financing - and if you use credit cards, you will never get bank financing to replace it.

Too many people seek out the SBA after the fact, when it's too late.

The SBA will definatly help you approach this as a businessman.