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Haven't heard from Bentley or Single Fin on this. Where are the SoCal Brothers?

I just found this thread, still learning this forum! Since I have no cherished one I have to ask if I can do this...Yeah, I will be there!

Do I bring my set up with my cookers? What do I bring? When do I show up? How long am I there? Am I a damn good looking Man?
I talked to Pat and as of right now, this is a general outline:

1. Pat has the Spicewine and the UDS. Big Brother Smoke is brining his trailer with a stick burner and a Santa Maria Grill on it. If anyone else wants to bring their rig, they are welcome but I doubt it will be necessary.

2. I figure everyone should cook one meat and one side dish or appetizer. I'm sure that will be more than enough food.

3. If you drink, plan on bringing either one bottle of something you like or a 12 pack of your favorite beer. That way everyone can share and taste new stuff. Also bring some water, juice or soda.

4. Plan on staying overnight. Don't want anyone driving under the influence. Bring your own blanket or sleeping bag, sheets and towels. Let's make this as easy on Pat as possible. Make sure you allot time to help clean up on Sunday.

I'm sure more detail will come up but this is where it stands right now.

I talked to Pat and as of right now, this is a general outline:

3. If you drink, plan on bringing either one bottle of something you like or a 12 pack of your favorite beer. That way everyone can share and taste new stuff. Also bring some water, juice or soda.


Section 3 above does not qualify for a bash. A 12 pack is approximately 3-4 hours of drinking for one person. In Norco it's probably like 2 hours of drinking. One case minimum. Also, what about arriving Friday night, have a party, start some food, crash (or not) wake up, party, cook, and eat all day, crash, clean up and go the next morning before anyone notices? Incidentally though - that weekend (at least the 'crashing' part) probably doesn't work for me because I'm just getting back from my 7-day fishing trip. This event sounds like a "go" however and somehow or another I'll be there Saturday. Port'o potty should be considered.
Section 3 above does not qualify for a bash. A 12 pack is approximately 3-4 hours of drinking for one person. In Norco it's probably like 2 hours of drinking. One case minimum.

I get full before i get drunk on beer. After 2 or 3, I start on the booze so A case was overkill in my mind. But a 12 pack was a minimum. Feel free to bring a keg.

As far Friday goes, we'll have to wait for Norco to come on board to OK that.
You better not mess with Norco's music or he might bust a cap in yo ass!

Glad the chatter finally caught on. Wanted to keep post up on top as to let people see it. All are welcome. If someone wants we can accomidate a few RV's. Remember to bring a chair and cooler. All that crap seemed to migrate to my other house. Will check in to porta-potty. Where would someone find one to rent? Only Gangsta rap around here! Since Norco motto is "Horsetown USA" I only ask that you respect the farm animals :icon_blush: .

Anyone up for a traditional old fashioned Norco Game?
Here in Norco the mullet is affectionatly known as "Norco Neckwarmer". Should be lots of fun.
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Webcams are mandatory!

I spoke to Norco about coming out Friday evening. He said he would check to see when his wife and daughter were leaving. He also that traffic out that way on a Friday night is horrendous because that's the way people go when they are headed to Vegas or Palm Springs for the weekend.
For those who would be interested in coming out on Friday to make a weekend out of it are welcome to show up. Fair warning though if you are coming East traffic is a nightmare. Again I am off the 15 Frwy at 6th. street, 1/2 way between Hwy 91 and Hwy 60.
This is the weekend before the holiday! Don't you have some seniority?

Nope work with some people who have been on the job for 15 years. I can't think of anything I have done for 15 years. Wife also told me to be ready as the grandkid will be due around then.