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is Blowin Smoke!
Mar 16, 2010
Northwestern Wisconsin
Fot those who might have missed it, I recently traveled out to San Francisco to go to the North Cal Brethren Bash in Livermore. I was able to stay there for 4 days and was able to have some really great experiences while I was there. For instance, my luggage arriving after I did. Never had that happen before and I was a little nervous about all of my cheese I had brought with going bad. Luckily, I had the creation of soup to take that off of my mind.


The soup was to be made for the Bash the next day and since I didn't have my cheese, I made the best of it by getting the base started. The soup was: Smoked Wisconsin Cheese, Dungeonous Crab, Ale Soup. This was the first time I had ever attempted to make a soup like this and I have to say, I was extremely happy with the results. It sure hit the spot on that cold Saturday morning.
With my soup base completed, there was travel to Pleasonton where I was able to attend a PreBash party hosted by MartyLeach. Can't say enough about how great this get together was. You can see pics of it and the bash in the Bash Pics Thread. When I got to the hotel, my bags had arrived and the cheese was safe and sound.
The next day it was time to finish prepping for the bash and then time to head to the bash. When I got to the bash, I got my soup base warming up on the stove and proceeded to grate in 3lbs of different smoked cheeses into it along with the final seasonings, more ale, and the crab. Spent the remainder of the day gorging on some of the best barbecue I've ever had from traditional dishes and styles to some ultra creative ones or non-traditional ones. No matter what I ate though, it tasted awesome!
After the Bash was over and the hugs and handshakes were given out, it was time to head back to San Fran. The rest of the evening was mainly spent relaxing and fighting off the food coma as long as I could.
Sunday it was decided that we all would meet up at Mission Chinese. I had already heard a lot about this place and was very excited to see what it was all about. I tried to take pics of almost everything we ate but, I know I missed atleast one or two dishes.
Our arrival:

One side of the menu:

The interior:

The crew that ate there:


The appetizers: Peanuts in Black Vinegar (YUM!) and Secheaun Pickles

Main Dishes: Fried Rice

Lo Mein, Secheaun Green Beans, & something else I couldn't remember the name of but, it had these chewy rice sticks in it that were different than anything else I can describe but were really good.

General Tso's Pastrami (an extremely intriguing dish that combined an irish classic of meat an potatos with General Tso's style and pulled on barbecue with the pastrami.) & Pork Belly with a 100yo egg.

There were atleast 2 more dishes that I missed taking a picture of including a Cumin Lamb that was fantastic and the most spectacular dish that was like a Pork Top Rib Roast, it was slow cooked buttery but crispy on the outside and was served with peppers and onions in this spicy sweet and sour like sauce. All and all, Mission Chinese is an adventure in eating. It's like taking Amercanized Chinese to the extreme while infusing in southern style barbecue flavors and not being afraid of heat. One thing that stands out most to me about the food is that they aren't always trying to slam you over the head with flavor combinations melded together. It's like they want you to be able to taste everything individually as they slowly combine upon your taste buds. The restaurant in itself has a gritty edge to it that might appeal or not appeal to you but, they do deliver. :becky:
After a walk around the Mission Area of San Fran, picking up some pastaries from Tatarin and getting some ice cream from the IB creamery. It was time to go flop for awhile. Once a second wind was aquired, it was decided that a drive out to Marin was required.
Over the Golden Gate.

Through a tunnel of love. :heh:

And up to the high country.

Got to one of the platforms and stopped to take some pics of San Fran and the area from afar.





We then continued up to the coast and had some raw oysters at Hog's Bay that were simply awesome and then it was up to Nick's Cove for a light(er) dinner and enjoy the sunset.



On my final day, there was one classic tourist thing I wanted to do that I didn't do last time I was out there and that was to check out Lumbard Street and what one can see from the top of it.








All and all, I have to say that this was a fantastic trip and can't wait to go back again someday.
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Hey Tom, it was great having you out here for the Bash and associated meanderings. Come for a week and we will finish you off! Guerry, the statute of limitations is over, you can return to CA
Oh one quick note! The dinner at Nick's Cove was awesome! They have a chowder that is light and bursting with flavor. You can actually taste all the ingredients and it doesn't feel like you are just chugging down an ton of cream. I highly recommend their BBQ Oysters and the Calimari was excellent!
When it comes to Hog's, the Kumamoto Oysters were very clean and sweet.
When it comes to Hog's, the Kumamoto Oysters were very clean and sweet.

The Kumamoto Oysters were awesome and the local Tamales Bay Oysters rocked the house as well. I had that dozen I got to go last night with that One-Off Batch of Asian Red Boat BigButz Sauce you brewed up Tom. Talk about a perfect match!

The Kumamoto Oysters were awesome and the local Tamales Bay Oysters rocked the house as well. I had that dozen I got to go last night with that One-Off Batch of Asian Red Boat BigButz Sauce you brewed up Tom. Talk about a perfect match!


I bet it was perfect. Looking at those makes me hungry for the little devils all over again! :hungry:
Great pic's, thanks for sharing!
The Mission Chinese fare looked so good.
Just in case you want to know, the dish with the chewy rice sticks that you liked was handmade noodles using buckwheat flour.
Just about the healthiest carb on the planet, Tom.
Geez I'd love to get over there...sigh