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So what's the secret to placing Reserve Grand Champ, Sled?

Very good Clint. Was good to see you as well as everyone else that was there. I've got a bunch of pics, but won't get them up tonight - if it weren't for the backspace key, you'd all see how tired I really am.

BigBarry is asleep on the bed, but lying across it from side to side. I guess it's the guest room for me tonight! (Good thing none of the tired weary, in need of showers, travelers took me up on my offer of using my guest room! :lol: )

Good night all.
It was great great having breakfast with all of you, seeing some brethren/sistren again, and meeting some others for the first time. Wish I could have stayed longer for the festivities.

Congratulations to all.

Will and Eric, Nice Job!
It was great seeing all of you and it was absolutley my pleasure to help out with the judging. Many thanks to all those who answered my rookie questions on what to look for in the judging process. I had a Fantastic time and hope to judge again and maybe even compete with one of the existing teams.
A big thanks to Willy(ie) and Eric for putting this together. Not that a brethren gathering is ever dull but this one was great. Thank you tim for bringing the bagels they hit the spot. I was very pleased with my finish, who knew you could win a reserve with a 13th place chicken? :rolleyes: Congratulations to Poobah on becoming the first "Big weeeeeeiner".If the cops should come a poking, I know nothing!!!
great time everyone..and one hell of a job for willie and crew to pull this off with one keg tied behind his back. Great hangin out with everyone and this can maybe become a bash if we get some out of state teams to come compete.

It was my first time out at a full up comp with the trailer. (What a difference it makes not having to set up and knock down... but as usual.. i was the last one out of the parking lot.)

So.. i am now the bearer of the new title of "Big Wienner"(which Willie WILL correct you if you call it a GC). That was a thrill in itself.. and to have my son go up with me to get that monster trophy made it even better.... he was a great help and my runner to get the turnin boxes. He made the sauces.. the sides for the chefs choice, etc..

and yak fisher is a perfect chicken trimmer too!!!
uh...yeah...weren't you out of the money on the yard birds??? Thanks for letting me dabble. I learned so much and realized there is a cooking to feed and a cooking to compete. Preparation, preparation preparation. Learned alot... Sled, congrats on the reserve placement and thank god someone took you whistle. Last time I send those down :) Scott
Last time I send those down :) Scott

Scott I love ya dude but if you EVER give Sledneck another whistle I will have to beat you

5 am...he wouldn't stop...:eusa_claplol

I have two where did he steal the other one???? Wes you didn't give him yours did you?:wink:

Now I will have to find away to get that one! Cause you know he's gonna keep it with his Q

OOO and I want to put a really big thanks out to James, he got TWO of them in a smoker!:mrgreen: Phew!! So that's 5 how many did you send??? lol

We would also like to thank Eric, Willie and everyone else that made this event great!

We can't wait for next year!!
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Thankyou Willie and Eric,we had a great time and it was nice to meet sum very nice people.Thank you to the judges,Great Job.I would like the websight for the scores. Pete BBQ Babylon Grillbillies
Unfortunately there were a dozen of them. Hope he didn't find the rest :) Scott

My kids have two. Three or so were destroyed in a fire. That leaves about half a dozen unaccounted for. Good luck sleeping all you folks competing in Dover this October!:twisted:
HOW CAN IT BE THERE ARE NO PICTURES YET, its been 24 hours, could no one hold the camara straight ??? :-D :p :-D come on i'm dying to see what happened !!!!!!!!!!!!!