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Congrats Hodedo, Transformer and the rest. Sounds like a great weekend!
I would like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to all who participated. Without the support of the Teams, this event would not have been possible.

Here's a tentative schedule for 2010:
June 24th - KCBS Judges Class
June 25th - Check in and Pot Luck Dinner
June 26th - KCBS Turn Ins
June 27th - NEBS Wide Open Grilling Turn Ins

It gives me great pleasure to report that the fund raising for the Patchin Fire Company was very successful. The foot traffic during the day was much higher than it has been in recent years, and that was attributed to the BBQ Teams.

Again, thanks to everyone who came out to support the event. See you all on the BBQ Circuit!
A great group of volunteers.....glad that they were pleased with the outcome, and looking forward to next year!! Thanks for your hard work go cook something!
A great group of volunteers.....glad that they were pleased with the outcome, and looking forward to next year!! Thanks for your hard work go cook something!

I am really excited to get to Lake Placid this weekend.

The crew next door to you found a black cap that looks like it belongs to your bbq table. Will hang on to it until we get together. Also, did you have a sanalite cutting board that had two melted spots? That ended up on Mr Bobo's Site too.
sanalite cutting board that had two melted spots
Yeah, that one is mine.....I wondered where it went to.....Thanks! sure, will check the table that I brought for missing......

Have a safer trip than Andy, and I will call this weekend to see how ya do!
I'm already workin on a way to come and defend my title :)
can always fly in, I can hook ya up with a FEC, and a couple other things out here.....and ya know it is a close, you will have to cook with the damp pellets to even out the playing field:twisted:
Congratulations to Smoke on Wheels and Transformer BBQ!!
Also to the others who had their name called.
Sounds like a fun contest!
Sorry this took so long... did an awesome job!! This contest was fantastic!! From the moment we got there til the moment we left, it was by far the best cookers contest yet! We had a fantastic Mexican buffet on Friday night! The weather was beautiful on Saturday, the kids even got free ride tickets:biggrin: Oh and the beer garden, so how many people have been to a contest that has a FREE beer garden, that so totally rocked!! The trophies are absolutely gorgeous, truly a sight to behold!! We had a wonderful dinner of pizza Saturday night, again compliments of the comp! If you weren't there then you soooo missed out!! I think this an event that went above and beyond the normal contests. The dates are already set in stone for us next year and we all know Andy and Kim will have to come back to defend there title. Who knows maybe Smoke on Wheels will appear again in NY:rolleyes:, they are well on there way to the Empire State Championship!! Again if you considered this one and didn't get there please put the dates on your calendar for next year!! Swamp Pit BBQ will be there :biggrin:

Mike thank you again for everything, the hospitality was second to none!! See ya in Troy!!:biggrin: