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KC Smoke

Full Fledged Farker
Feb 27, 2009
Name or Nickame
With the "noobs" throwdown currently going on I decided it was time to get involved and make something that's been stirring around in my head for some time now.
I did a blackened andouille fatty with shrimp stuffing over rice with jambalaya sauce and some pickled okra. Sounds simple enough right?

Mom and Pops brought me back some amazingly good shrimp they picked up in Texas. So I had to do it some justice. I started off by making a real simple shrimp mousseline and folded in chopped shrimp and a little garlic and onion that I sweat down in butter. I formed it in plastic wrap and set it in the freezer to set just long enough to hold it's shape. Then came the andouille. This is from a local maker more known for their Italian sausage but it was really tasty.


And filled.

And seasoned with some blackening spice I threw together.

I cooked it indirect on the OTG with Royal Oak and some mesquite chips mixed in. I was looking for a slightly hotter cook considering how late dinner was gonna be at this point so I put lit charcoal on both ends of the "snake". Sidenote, does anyone know the typical wood of choice for Louisiana BBQ? Anyway, I let 'er go for a little more than an hour while I prepped the rest.

This is where things started getting interesting as the wine was flowing freely to say the least. For the rice I went with typical to cajun ingredients but went with a pilaf method. Onion, celery, bell pepper and garlic were sweat down in butter. Then I added the rice, stirred to evenly cover all the grains with butter and let the rice toast just a touch until it started to give off a bit of a nutty smell. Then came a combo of chicken and vegetable stock and a bay leaf. Let simmer until done and seasoned with S&P.
For the sauce I was letting Jambalaya be my inspiration so once again I sweat down onion, celery, bell pepper and garlic in butter. Then I added some heirloom tomato from the local farmers market and a touch of the blackening spice. I let that cook down and get nice and saucy, seasoned with S&P and finished with more yummy butter. The whole thing came together on the plate with some pickled okra from a farm down in the Ozarks and flat leaf parsley. I give you my Cajun/Creole inspired fatty. My first ever fatty for that matter.

Thanks for looking.
Very nice. Great presentation.
Very creative!

And darn tasty looking too!
Second pic from the bottom looks like one for the "Grillshots" throw down. Nice cook.
Gosh...I was cooking something for noob throwdown tonight and now I'm reconsidering cause that looks spectacular. I can't hang with that. All u farking restaurant style plates and great picture skills....sigh.

Thanks for making me second guess myself...excellent job anyways!
Thank you all for the kind words. I can tell you it was stupid good. A weird idea that actually came together the way I planned. As far as the texture of the filling, it was awesome. The mousseline stayed nice and light, not to firm. The pieces of chopped shrimp that were folded in had that great shrimpy firm tender texture. All in all I wouldn't have changed a thing.