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That looks serious good Brother. Did you cook the beans at all first or just cook it all together? I normally do mine in a big pot on the stove for several hours. I have always been concerned that the beans wouldn't cook enough if the weren't pre cooked. Input would be appreciated.

That looks serious good Brother. Did you cook the beans at all first or just cook it all together? I normally do mine in a big pot on the stove for several hours. I have always been concerned that the beans wouldn't cook enough if the weren't pre cooked. Input would be appreciated.


Yep. I soaked the beans in salted water over night, then rinsed and started them in the crock pot and let them cook for several hours before I added the meat, vegetables and spices. Tomatoes went in for the last couple hours or so. I always precook my beans and try not to add to much acid to the pot at first.