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Knows what WELOCME spells.
Mar 15, 2017
Santa Clarita, ,CA
Picked up a Berkshire butt a few weeks ago and hadn't decided exactly how I wanted to cook it. I really wanted the pork flavor to take the lead. Lately, I've been cooking a lot from Adam Perry Lang's "Charred and Scruffed" cookbood. I saw his recipe for Smoked Pork Shoulder with Lime Coriander Salt and thought that it would be perfect. I'm glad I went with it.

The process starts a couple days early in making the salt. First mix some lime juice, zest, and salt to make a thick slurry. Then dehydrated the salt overnight and mixed in some ground coriander and sliced chilies and placed in a jar. No pictures of the salt process, but i'm glad I did it and will be making some more flavored salts in the future.

Then I made a brine for the butt that included water, salt, sugar, halved lemons, bay leaves, garlic cloves, thyme, black peppercorns, and red pepper flakes. After cooling the brine overnight, I brined the butt for 24 hours.


Fired up my UDS to about 275 with some lump, cherry, pecan, and hickory.


Prepared my herb basting brush (I'm really digging these)


Smoked for 2 hours, then basted every hour with APL's Classic Southern Based which consisted of olive oil, butter, rendered meat fat (I used bacon fat), soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, dark brown sugar, grated garlic, grated onion, thyme, salt, pepper, cider vinegar, ketchup, and yellow mustard. Once the butt reached about 195, I probed and felt it was ready.


Usually my butts have a much darker bark from sugar, but this recipe really doesn't have much sugar. I was really happy with the way the bark turned out.


I foiled the butt and then got to work on some potato chips.


Final product. Lime salt was sprinkled on the meat after pulling. Also seasoned some of the chips with that salt as well.


Overall I was impressed with the savory flavors from this recipe. I love traditional BBQ seasonings and flavor, but sometimes its good to change things up a bit. APL's cookbook is perfect for this. I highly recommend his book, and definitely will make this again.
Nice write up.

I picked up a digital version of Charred and Scruffed recently but have yet to cook anything from it. The flavoured salts were high on the list of first things to cook but thanks to this write up they are now at the top.