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is Blowin Smoke!
Aug 9, 2012
Bucks County, PA
I wanted to make some Beef Jerky this weekend and while at the Amish market picking up a 2lb London Broil I saw some Beef short ribs I just couldn't pass up.
I sliced up the London broil, about 1/8" thick slices and then tossed them into a zip lock bag with the following:
1/2 cup Teriyaki Sauce
2Tbls Garlic Powder
2Tbls Brown Sugar
2Tbls Salt
1Tbls Black Pepper
1Tbls Cumin
I let that sit and marinate over night giving it a flip and gentle massage every so often.

The next morning the marinated beef went into the pre-warmed and smoking smokin-it #2 Electric smoker. I let it smoke over cherry and hickory for about 2 hours and then put my jerky fan over the exhaust of the smoker to pull out moisture for the remainder of the time.

After about 10 hours:

The Beef Ribs got a similar rub:
2Tbls Salt
2Tbls Garlic
1 Tbls Black pepper
1 Tbls Cumin
4 Tbls Brown Sugar
I then foiled the ribs and let them sit over night.

The next morning while the smokin-it was warming up I fired up the Brinkman Bullet gourmet, AKA ECB (El Cheapo Brinkman) with some Frontire brand Lump charcoal with Hickory and Cherry. I got the temp stable around 300* thinking that the ribs would knock down the temp to around 275*. Unfortunately the Brinkman held temp at 300* for about 2 hours and then dropped down to about 250* for the remainder of the cook.

After about 3 hours this is what they looked like, I was surprised at how quickly they started pulling back off the bones, and how plump the meat had gotten.

After about 5 hours I took a look and although they were looking nearly done I still noticed some fat that needed to render out so I wrapped in foil and let it continue to cook for another hour.

Once the ribs were done I tossed in some more lump charcoal to get the fire up to around 350*, while the fire was growing I went in and mixed up some cornbread, decided to add in some peppered bacon I cooked this morning, as well as a fresh picked Jalapeno pepper, and some shredded Monterey Jack cheese. I poured some canola oil into my Cast Iron skillet and wiped the sides with it, then poured in the corn bread batter. That then went over the fire for about 20-30 mins until the center got full cooked.

I must say it was a nice full day cook, everything came out great. The Jerky was a bit salty, i'm thinking the teriyaki sauce had enough salt in it to do the job.
My other questions is, do beef ribs normally plump up like that? if you see the first picture of them with the rub, they aren't huge, but then when cooked they really plumped?
Those ribs and cornbread look mighty fine! I have only did beef short ribs once but mine plumped up just the same.