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New to MAK and PGs in general so I gotta ask... what problems have you seen with Cookin Pellets?

I've had my Mak since March and the only pellets I've used are Bear Mountain and Cookin Pellets. Cookin Pellets for some reason cause large temp swings in mine. 25 degrees or more at times, never hotter always cooler. Then getting back up to temp seems to take forever. I bought them in the spring and stored them inside so I don't think moisture was an issue. I switched to using Bear Mountain exclusively and temps have been great! At most I'll be off 10 degrees but I rarely see that. Now it's mostly 5 degrees. I recently purchased the flame zone for my 1 Star and decided to use the cookin pellets for the "seasoning". That is take it up to 450 for half hour to burn off any manufacturing oils etc. Nearly 45 minutes later I was no where close to that. So I did a quick pellet swap with Bear Mountain and I was good to go. By the way I used Cookin Pellets Perfect Mix, have not tried any of their other woods so it may have been something particular to that blend.
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