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What's with all the flip flops?!!!
Not bad but probably NSFW

[ame=""]Flip Flops - YouTube[/ame]
I've also cut off the tip of my thumb on a mandolin trying to get that last slice!

But the one that sticks out most in my memory is the time I was grilling some steaks for the wife and in-laws and was trying to come into the house from the deck with a plate of steaks, tongs used to flip the meat, and one of our CUTCO knives. While attempting to turn the door knob the knife slipped off the plate and I caught it on the way down - BY THE EDGE OF THE BLADE! Quite a nice deep cut across my palm - one of the benefits of always using a "sharp knife"!
happened to me once at work with habs. after a trip to restroom had to wrap it in a cold rag so i could work the rest of the day. they still talk about that 6 years later.

Amateurs. Did habaneros with no gloves then did a #2. Who would of thought TP or a Sears catalog would spread capsaicin that well.

Another word of advice, don't cut up jalapenos without gloves and then get intimate with your significant other.
Amateurs. Did habaneros with no gloves then did a #2. Who would of thought TP or a Sears catalog would spread capsaicin that well.

Another word of advice, don't cut up jalapenos without gloves and then get intimate with your significant other.
Great tips!!! :wink:
Not so much BBQ, but the prep for it. I decided I wanted to play with a hot and fast butt on Sunday. Saturday night I grab a butt I had in the fridge I was defrosting from late last years comp season that was vacuum sealed up. Got everything setup on the counter and went to reach for my gloves on top of the kitchen cabinet. not even a beer in, a lost my footing on something the dog or kids left behind. I caught myself on the cabinet that was holding the gloves. In a split second, the Vitamix blender fell off the top of the cabinet, with the pure luck that my face was there to break it's fall. How did the blender fall off the cabinet you ask? Oh, that's because the kitchen cabinet ripped off the wall and the rest of me broke the fall of the cabinet full of plates and bowls. Cursed house flippers only had that cabinet in the wall with 2 screws that weren't even near a stud. So after I manage to get the cabinet and everything off of me, my 4 year old son sees that my face is bleeding and wants to help. He goes into the bathroom to find a Band-Aid and all I hear is another loud bang. I go in there to find he dropped my electric razor on the tile floor and broke it into a couple pieces. At this point, I'm laughing. I tell my wife I'm trimming my pork butt and I'm not speaking until I'm done with it. I go to grab my fillet knife, cut open the food saver bag and got the whiff or some serious rotten pork. I put the knife in the sink, without saying a word, kissed the wife and kids, and walked to day was done.
All my injuries have been of the minor cuts/burns nature, but 2 weekends ago,my daughter and her husband were entered in a cookoff in rural Austin County. This was a back to basics contest with only wood-fueled open fires allowed (no metal pits). Shortly after the results were announced, my daughter was walking past their dying fire when she tripped and fell face down in the edge of the embers. Significant burns to her left hand. They were out in the woods way away from town after midnight so they dumped crushed ice and water in a bucket and immersed the damaged areas. The nearest hospital was 3 hours away, so she spent the night like that. I know, it sounds stupid but the group they travel to these events with are throwback types who seem to think they're tough. Three weeks and two doctor visits later, her hand is about 80% healed. At least, they won 2nd place overall with first place in dutch oven desserts (cheesecake). Duh
Not so much BBQ, but the prep for it. I decided I wanted to play with a hot and fast butt on Sunday. Saturday night I grab a butt I had in the fridge I was defrosting from late last years comp season that was vacuum sealed up. Got everything setup on the counter and went to reach for my gloves on top of the kitchen cabinet. not even a beer in, a lost my footing on something the dog or kids left behind. I caught myself on the cabinet that was holding the gloves. In a split second, the Vitamix blender fell off the top of the cabinet, with the pure luck that my face was there to break it's fall. How did the blender fall off the cabinet you ask? Oh, that's because the kitchen cabinet ripped off the wall and the rest of me broke the fall of the cabinet full of plates and bowls. Cursed house flippers only had that cabinet in the wall with 2 screws that weren't even near a stud. So after I manage to get the cabinet and everything off of me, my 4 year old son sees that my face is bleeding and wants to help. He goes into the bathroom to find a Band-Aid and all I hear is another loud bang. I go in there to find he dropped my electric razor on the tile floor and broke it into a couple pieces. At this point, I'm laughing. I tell my wife I'm trimming my pork butt and I'm not speaking until I'm done with it. I go to grab my fillet knife, cut open the food saver bag and got the whiff or some serious rotten pork. I put the knife in the sink, without saying a word, kissed the wife and kids, and walked to day was done.

Thats some National Lampoons Griswold stuff right there. Im glad no one was hurt
Knives seem to get me. I sliced off a good chunk of my left index finger. They got it back on, just can't feel anything there any longer.

My latest, was grabbing a chefs knife to pull the sheath off (sheath same color).... But the sheath was already off. Got a nice clean slice on 4 fingers.
Oooh let's see....

Slicing tip of index finger off dicing some greens...required lidocaine injection to create a compression on the capillaries so my finger would stop bleeding.

Charcoal sparks on sandalled feet.

Not believing temperature inside my gasser was 700 degrees, and verifying it with 2nd degree burns when I touched it with a bare hand.
At Herman BBQ and brats 4 years ago, washing dishes and didn't know my forsner knife was in there under the soap suds. reached in and tried to cut my middle finger off. Of course it was about midnight and I asked around and found the hospital. Got 6 stiches. Got back to my trailer and turned on the light and I was bleeding all over the place again. Went back and they re stiched it. I think it was like 3 in the morning before I was done with it all. Had some good calls the next day.
Yeah, those bleeders suck. I was dicing potatoes once for a Thanksgiving type meal (it wasn't the holiday, just the food). Something slipped, and next thing I know I have a deep gash across the pad of my left pointer finger. Had someone else take over the rest of the prep while I got it cleaned and a bandage on it. Thirty seconds later the bandage is soaked through. Cleaned and another applied and it soaked through too. Spent the next hour going through paper towels to soak it up. (Yeah, stubborn that way. No hospital for me.) We finally ate dinner and then got ready to go out. While in the shower, it opened up again. Finally stopped bleeding again after a couple more hours. Lost all feeling in the finger tip for several months. Now I have some feeling back, but it goes numb and tingles sometimes...
Not so much BBQ, but the prep for it. I decided I wanted to play with a hot and fast butt on Sunday. Saturday night I grab a butt I had in the fridge I was defrosting from late last years comp season that was vacuum sealed up. Got everything setup on the counter and went to reach for my gloves on top of the kitchen cabinet. not even a beer in, a lost my footing on something the dog or kids left behind. I caught myself on the cabinet that was holding the gloves. In a split second, the Vitamix blender fell off the top of the cabinet, with the pure luck that my face was there to break it's fall. How did the blender fall off the cabinet you ask? Oh, that's because the kitchen cabinet ripped off the wall and the rest of me broke the fall of the cabinet full of plates and bowls. Cursed house flippers only had that cabinet in the wall with 2 screws that weren't even near a stud. So after I manage to get the cabinet and everything off of me, my 4 year old son sees that my face is bleeding and wants to help. He goes into the bathroom to find a Band-Aid and all I hear is another loud bang. I go in there to find he dropped my electric razor on the tile floor and broke it into a couple pieces. At this point, I'm laughing. I tell my wife I'm trimming my pork butt and I'm not speaking until I'm done with it. I go to grab my fillet knife, cut open the food saver bag and got the whiff or some serious rotten pork. I put the knife in the sink, without saying a word, kissed the wife and kids, and walked to day was done.

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