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Just printed out the recipe. Supposed to be cold this weekend, so I think I'll make the red beans and rice, some shrimp, chips and dip - stay in the house and stay warm.
Just printed out the recipe. Supposed to be cold this weekend, so I think I'll make the red beans and rice, some shrimp, chips and dip - stay in the house and stay warm.

Just curious, what do ya'll call cold down in Texas? Here in N. Utah we're supposed to have a HIGH of 13 tomorrow.
Just curious, what do ya'll call cold down in Texas? Here in N. Utah we're supposed to have a HIGH of 13 tomorrow.

Don't Know about Tex-Ass, but that is why we live in Florida. It is now 51 degrees, and everyone around here is calling it cold. Burrrrrrrrrr.
My bride has the fireplace going, and is bundled up in sweats.:roll: [course it is 74 degrees inside]
It's only supposed to be around 55 to 58 degrees. Hell, I'd have to wear a shirt just to go outside!
Visited New Orleans 1 week prior to Katrina, I had more red beans and rice then you could choke a horse with! Needless to say its lost its appeal. It looks good, but I dont think I'll be having any in the near future.