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My new idol. That looks awesome!
Drunken Pseudo-Strami

When it comes to curing meats aside from smoking, I have little to no experience but, I wanted to give it a go being that's one of the most recent Throwdowns. Now, the limited experience I've had before has involved making pastrami from corned beef that you can get at the store. Being that this was going to be something I did from raw meat to slicing up the finished product, I decided that pastrami would be a good way for me to go. One problem, I normally suffer from a major brisket availability deficit in my area and this time was no exception to that. I headed to the local stores and searched high and low but, the only thing I was able to come across that was of good size and cheap enough to experiment with was a cut of meat I had never heard of, Beef Arm Roast. I picked up two and figured I'd have one just cooked normal in case I managed to scare the family with my newest creation. Now to add a bit of a twist to it, I happened to have just bottled up some wine...
We started off by gathering all of our ingredients for our brine together.

Then came the brine!

There it be within the briney depths!

After a 2 and a half days, the meat was removed from the brine and found to have taken on an almost purple color.

As you can tell, the brined one looks very different from the normal one.

Then the rub down!

Onto the smoker they went cruising at 250. To cook all afternoon.


when it hit an internal of 160, I took a slice off of each and finding both to be pretty tender, I pulled them. I then let them rest for about 2 hours before slicing them up.

It was deciding that after tasting the experimental one, we would donate the normal one and horde it all for ourselves. :becky: (throwdown pic please)

We decided to do up some grilled cheese type sandwiches with them for dinner.

I decided to dub this creation.
Drunken Pseudo-Strami!
The only things I would change with this creation would be to leave it in the brine for at least one more day longer and the water solution for half a day more for sure. The flavor was awesome but, I wanted more of it! And as far as the tenderness factor goes, it was awesome and in fact, I think it could have even been pulled at a slightly lower temp.
Thanks for looking!
For this throw down, I decided to cure and smoke some smoked sausage, pastrami, smoked ham, and a bit of cappicola.

-For the sausage, I had 12 lbs of rib trim that I seasoned, cured, stuffed into natural casings and hickory smoked to a 152* IT.

-For the pastrami, I found a small, trimmed brisket flat and pumped a curing brine into it. It was pumped to 15% of green weight. It then soaked in the cure for 4 days, lightly smoked with oak, panned and tented with beer and juniper berries at 160* and pulled off the smoker at 180*IT.

-For the smoked ham and cappicola , I pumped a cure in each to 10% of green weight, soaked in cure solution for 5 days. I tied the ham into shape. I coated the cappicola with Spanish paprika, cayenne, and red pepper flakes and stuffed the cappicola into a synthetic casing. Smoked both products to 152*IT
Thanks for looking.
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This is my entry shot. Thanks for looking.
