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Spam Ribs, in compliance with the Spam Ribs Barbecue Society...

Look at that pull back, and all that shine. No garnish, none of that parsley stuff, it's Spam fer gawds sake!
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WOW!!! Cook like Gore what an awesome idea, with so many possibilities and a crazy busy week I draw a blank. Maybe it was from the excitement. Milton on the other hand had no shortage of ideas.

Milton: (in a Alvin chipmunk voice) Oh oh oh if you get to be Gore does that mean I get to be Ninja? He’s so cool he has a mask and carries a knife. Can I get a mask? I want a red one and a light saber.

Me: A red one! REALLY they will see you coming a mile away, Ninjas are supposed to be stealthy not flashy and NO!!! you cannot use my bedazzler!!!

Milton: Yes I know, but red brings out my bone structure. Can we invite the Princess Nelly Furtado for Easter dinner and we can cook a Zombie or maybe a Mcrib for her?


Me: NO!!! Don’t you remember what happened the last time the Princess came over, we barely escaped the Evil Moderators poll with our lives. He needs the Princess’ dna to perfect his Spam Fish so he can stand alone atop his poll for an eternity or even longer.


Milton: You worry too much, the Evil Moderator is busy on top of his poll and there is this dog barking at him trying to climb his poll, maybe he thinks it’s a fire hydrant IDK.

Me: Milton the force is weak with you, don’t you realize, that poll is closed now besides the Evil Moderator got to the top of his poll because of his shape shifting Spam Fish!! Plus there have already been confirmed sightings of a MOINKfish , exoskeletol caterpillar and a Spam Rib; who knows what else might surface!!! And you better hope that SirPorkalot doesn’t show up, you know how he feels about you.

As usual Milton doesn’t listen and invited the princess for dinner.


Me: Milton look out the Evil Moderator has sent over one of his henchmen to capture the Princess and it’s not one of the whack a doodles……..





Milton: I’VE GOT THIS!!!


Run Milton run, save yourself I’ll thwack him with this 2x4 someone left laying here!!!

Look out Milton!!! He’s going to cryo freeze you, DUCK!!!!



To be continued…….
Cooking like Gore

It is a frightening thing to try and go inside Gore's head and try to think about how he might cook.

I went deep, very deep and friends, I am not sure if all will be pleased to see what I found. I have already signed up for therapy and you may, too, with what I discovered. The horror!

I will just have to show you what I saw.

Things are not always rosy in the world of BBQ and beyond. Sometimes there are accidents and people switch to survival mode, and based on my findings it turns out that Gore is as mortal as the rest of us.

What I found, however, is that in dire live-or-die situations, if given the choice between eggplant, SPAM and his trusty assistant the Ninja Squirrel, well...see for yourself:


--Jonny Rotisserie