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This thread is far from dead, and just because Fingerlickin' posted that a-Gore-able MOINKfish, doesn't mean I won't enter by Sunday. Nope, I'll do something, I have special Throw Down forks given to me by the man, Gore, himself.
This thread is far from dead, and just because Fingerlickin' posted that a-Gore-able MOINKfish, doesn't mean I won't enter by Sunday. Nope, I'll do something, I have special Throw Down forks given to me by the man, Gore, himself.

Uh, oh. I knew I shouldn't have encouraged you people. :doh:
Go eggplant, you can never go wrong with eggplant.

Uhhhh, I can go wrong with eggplant. In fact I've always gone wrong with eggplant. :tsk:

This thread is far from dead, and just because Fingerlickin' posted that a-Gore-able MOINKfish, doesn't mean I won't enter by Sunday. Nope, I'll do something, I have special Throw Down forks given to me by the man, Gore, himself.

Yes, I haven't seen a good fork shot yet, maybe a double or triple or quad-fork shot.
Since Gore is a scientist, I thought I would do a little science project for supper. I know Gore is more into Astrology or some such stuff, but I couldn't think of anything in that field of science that I could cook -- and also whore out to a second (and possibly third) throwdown.

So, I submit for peer review, my well-researched rendition of what slithered out of the primordial ooze millions of years ago, and evolved into advanced species -- and man.

At its core is, of course, sausage. What else would you find in an ooze?


To insulate it from the much colder climate than today's (tossed a little global warming reference in there to piss of the right wingers), the creature had a layer of more loosely packed sausage.


And, my research shows that it most likely had an exoskeleton -- probably bacon.


All the stores were out of primordial ooze to incubate my beast in, so I used my kettle and some charcoal.


My beast came out of the Weber incubator, complete with eyes on furry antennae (use this shot for voting).


He seemed quite happy in his bed of lettuce leaves, until I took a knife and cut his head off. Not much to look at in cross section, but he was rather tasty. :heh:


CD :becky:
That is one cool looking meatloaf!:cool:

Oh wait, this isn't the meatloaf bad.

That is one cool looking Gore-inspired creation!:cool:
He seemed quite happy in his bed of lettuce leaves, until I took a knife and cut his head off. Not much to look at in cross section, but he was rather tasty. :heh:


CD :becky:

You're a sick puppy CD, I'm assuming you ate the head as well. Cannibalistic snausage murderer.
Only four entries? There's bigabyte, ecode, the winning entry, and my entry. C'mon, join the futility. It'll be fun. :becky:

To date, as far as I know, the only person to ever win a Throwdown with eggplant is ecode. And honestly, I think she may have won multiple times with eggplant.
To date, as far as I know, the only person to ever win a Throwdown with eggplant is ecode. And honestly, I think she may have won multiple times with eggplant.

My "Cook like a bigabyte" TD winning casserole had eggplant in it -- and farking SPAM. :bow:

I still have nightmares. :shock:
