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So here is my first throwdown attempt being the newbie falker I am ... Constructive criticism greatly appreciated ... 12 hrs smoke of cherry and pecan , simple kosher salt pepper , granulated garlic and Montreal steak seasoning ... Butcher paper wrapped at the 6hr mark .....
Off the smoker resting

First slices

And the shot to use for the throwdown


Fantastic cook!
Looks perfect!
got my brisket(s) too all ready to cook sunday, a freind called and asked if i'd help run boxes etc. at a comp.

yay! fark!
Well, I would like to join in on the throwdown - this is my first brisket so any help you guys can offer will be appreciated..... Got a 14 lb packer today from my butcher, looks pretty good , I'll post a pic when I unwrap it tonight. Gonna start in in the AM - do I start another thread for my progress or do I post in this one? Sorry if that's been discussed I'm not real clear on the TD etiquette yet, pretty nervous about this cook....

In Pleasant View....
Relax Lou, you can post it here and then link to it in the Throwdown entry thread. Or Visa Versa. The main objective is to have fun, hang loose and don't get freaked out. A brisket is just another cut of meat to learn to cook. Keep it simple, watch your pit temps and make sure you don't under cook it. They go at low temps for a long time! The only way to learn is do! Probe with a sharp instrument, thermometer, k-bob skewer, or toothpick until your probes goes in like a hot knife through butter. Best of luck to you and's barbecue, not a root canal!


looks like i'm out. pit b*tching at a comp for a brother this week-end. won't be able to cook my my brisket until monday.

best of luck everybody!!! can't wait to see all the entries!
So, this is my first throwdown and my first brisky. (albeit a small one)

Here's my entry.
Started with a 2.89lb piece of flat. Lightly seasoned it with some Montreal steak seasoning. Smoked it on my Mini WSM at 275 til it reached 160. About 3 hrs. Then I wrapped it in foil and put it back on for another hour and a half.

My BBQ sidekick Trixie smells something she likes.

Pulled it when it probed tender and let it sit wrapped for about 45 minutes.

And here she is. My first brisky sliced. (Use this pic for TD)

sooooo, let's just say this poll doesn't get up till tuesday morning......i'd be really, really, really happy(AND if a day late entry is allowed in, i WAS helping a fellow brethren:cool: after all)

Low tech brisket

Old school cookin' like it used to be. No Thermopens, thermometers or guru's. Just old time cookin and chillin on the the shore.

Please accept this as my official entry into the Brisket Master Throwdown and this is also my Polling Pic.

Thanks for looking....The complete cook thread can be found here,

Stay hungry my friends and don't forget.........

Vote for Moose!

I'm 20 minutes late, but hopefully the Throwdown god's will allow my entry (it's not like anyone has anything to worry about with this one anyway)

It was my first brisket and it showed

started out with this 12lb bad boy ... trimmed it and injected it with one of Myron's beef injections

Rubbed it with Pit Bulls rub.​

Also did 4 butts for some coworkers​

I used 3 different rubs on the butts, so that's why I used the toothpicks​

One of the butts once everything was finished​

Use this as my entry pic please​


As you can see, the brisket came out "dry", but had a crap ton of flavor. After the picture, I poured a little sauce on it and it was killer. The flavor amazing, I guess having to put it on the top rack dried it out a bite.​

And my pour excuse of burnt ends.​