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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Oct 16, 2010
Culver City, CA
Camdude and I cooked about 1600 hotdogs this weekend for a Mother's Day event for a foster care support group called Foster Care Counts. This was the first year with the Ranch Kettle and it worked like a champ!

campdude getting it done - WRK style


And BW Chubby style - this thing is a great hot dog cooker!


Also using a WSM - takes a little longer in there.

Familia de gtr ready to slang dawgs


A blurry pic of cook's lunch - picanha! :clap2: Also some Uruguayan chorizo, which was farking delicious. Didn't get any finished pix. :tsk: As you can see, we're using donut racks for the dawgs - makes life a lot easier. WSM had about 5 racks stacked inside.


Always a fun day and it's always great to hang with Marty. Dude is a cooking machine and always a huge, huge help at these type events.

We were ready for 2k, but it's always hard to guage what the turnout is gonna be - we did 1800 last year and had to turn some folks away. Luckily this year there were some folks who could really use what we had leftover so we passed it along. I think my sons put a pretty serious dent in the hotdogs on their own. I could only do one, probably 'cause I was full from fatties and biscuits, Danish pastries, and then picanha (on baguette with chimichurri). I managed to find room to put some ribeye and baked tater later that evening though.

For anybody thinking about cooking tons of dawgs in smokers - moisture is your friend! We learned that the first year when we had shrinking dawgs. I had water in the WSM pan, but just a foil covered pan in the BW. I'm gonna do water in there as well next time. Had water in foil pans in the RK. I keep a couple spray bottles for misting and have a hot pan of water in the Cambro (that thing is amazing at retaining heat!)

I also re-learn every year that folks won't use vaguely as much ketchup and mustard as expected. I probably could have gotten by with a couple/few gallons of each, but had at least double that. We went through 2 gallons of relish. And there are a fair amount of folks who like their dawgs burnt, so we try to have a range to pick from.

Thanks for looking!
Way to go Greg and the clan. I must admit for a minute I thought I read Brazilian hot dogs. :-D Never had those before.
Way to go Greg and the clan. I must admit for a minute I thought I read Brazilian hot dogs. :-D Never had those before.

Actually Brazilian hot dogs are a thing! I used to get 'em off the Ta Bom truck. They have shoestring potatoes and a bunch of other great stuff I can't remember on 'em - farkin delicious!

Thanks y'all!
Way to go Greg, Family and Marty! That's just awesome!! Very kind of you all to do this, it's a great cause too. :cool: :thumb:
In case you didn't notice.... your sons are getting tall! :-D
Way to go Greg, Family and Marty! That's just awesome!! Very kind of you all to do this, it's a great cause too. :cool: :thumb:
In case you didn't notice.... your sons are getting tall! :-D

Thanks Jeanie!

Yeah, the older one is just taller than me, and the younger one is about there. :shocked:

Great job Greg, sorry I couldn't help, had to work Sat. and Sun.

No worries! We ended up having well under control! Plus, I know Mother's Day is a tough one for getting out.
Great job all around guys and lady Greg and Marty. Greg what a great family you have, please tell them I said hello. One question though, how does one go about getting involved in these endeavors. I would like to be involved in something like this in Pittsburgh.
Great job all around guys and lady Greg and Marty. Greg what a great family you have, please tell them I said hello. One question though, how does one go about getting involved in these endeavors. I would like to be involved in something like this in Pittsburgh.

Thanks G!

I got involved with this through my lovely wife, who is part of a group that gives out books and backpacks at charity events that are put on by other groups. This particular group, Foster Care Counts, said they needed someone cook and I got volun-told to do it!

There may be a BBQ association in your area, like we have CBBQA here, and I believe they do events like this, troop feeds, etc. The BBQ comp community is very good about giving back.

Diesel Dave and those farkers up north do some awesome feeds and, if I'm not mistaken, they seem to be pretty well self-starting (as opposed to me, who stepped in to an existing situation). I'll bet those guys could give you some pointers as well.

Anybody across the board will tell you that, while it's a lot of work, it's also a lot of fun. We all like to cook chitloads of food and this is a great opportunity to do that. The people you're cooking with are super cool and fun - you know, BBQ people, and it makes purchasing BBQ gear a much easier sell as far as the missus is concerned (it's not for me honey, it's for the kids!).

In all honesty I probably never would have thought about this kind of thing had it not been for this site and seeing threads by Bigmista, Dan Chambers, Ronelle, and many others. We got some great folks here.