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Farkers took something they new belonged to someone. They didn't ask. They are probably selling it, not using it. Most are scrappers, lots are addicts using what they steal to support their habit. How about the bike they took from the kid who can't afford to replace it, or the wheelchair that is a necessity? you can feel good about being a victim but they are thief's! My $1.98 worth.
I dont mean to rain down on anyone's pissed off party here but I have a suggestion.

Would it be proper to wish the thief well? I know that what he did was wrong and all and I'm not condoning stealing ANYTHING!! All I'm saying is that, if we all got what we deserved we would have some butt rub all over us and be stuck in the big smoker in the sky...

This cat that stole your smoker, I say... Bless him and his family, wish him good times and great meals on a great unit. Ask the man upstairs that every time he cooks on it that he is reminded that there is a God that want's to forgive him.

Ya never know, at the end of the party, when it's all over, y'all may be sittin at the same table in heaven grabbin for the same rib. I’m my mind, that's what it's all about.

You got that smoker once, I'll be willing to bet that you'll get another...

Not telling y'all what to do an anything, just a suggestion...

You can say well, if it happed to you you'd be pissed to, well... It did happed to me, I had a $25,000.00 trailer stolen that had warmers, refers, chafing dishes, generators utensils - the whole 9... I was angry for about 6 min. Then I started laughing. What else was I gonna do... I prayed for the guy right there. Since then, My catering business has taken off, I won 1st place at a little contest and I am getting into doing festivals. I am glad that this person has it and I really do hope that they can benefit from it the way that I wanted to.

SO, there you have it, my .02 that turned into about $3.75

Nice $3.75 brother! However, this guy appears to be a career thief, stealing stuff for a living and probably making good coin doing such. He ain't interested in smoking food. He will steal from the wrong person one day and eat some lead; it's ineveitable.

Besides a good arse whoopin from the Brethren possee could teach him a good lesson and possbly cure him of his ways, thus ultimately saving his life:wink:

Moreover, if he can lift a NB by himself he is capable of working like the rest of us.:biggrin:
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f he can lift a NB by himself he is capable of working like the rest of us.:biggrin:

No doubt, but Im sure that we've all done chit that we aint autta done... Capable er not. He aint no more f'd up than the rest of us, we just know that we're f'd up and we'er hopefully workin' on it.

Im all fer a good thumpin from time to time, I just think that we autta take a knee and mke sure that our heart is in the right place before we put our hand in the wrong place...

I'll leave it be from here. I sometimes just gotta get it out... Again, I know it aint none o my bidness. I just felt like it had to be said...
I dont mean to rain down on anyone's pissed off party here but I have a suggestion.

Would it be proper to wish the thief well? I know that what he did was wrong and all and I'm not condoning stealing ANYTHING!! All I'm saying is that, if we all got what we deserved we would have some butt rub all over us and be stuck in the big smoker in the sky...

This cat that stole your smoker, I say... Bless him and his family, wish him good times and great meals on a great unit. Ask the man upstairs that every time he cooks on it that he is reminded that there is a God that want's to forgive him.

Ya never know, at the end of the party, when it's all over, y'all may be sittin at the same table in heaven grabbin for the same rib. I’m my mind, that's what it's all about.

You got that smoker once, I'll be willing to bet that you'll get another...

Not telling y'all what to do an anything, just a suggestion...

You can say well, if it happed to you you'd be pissed to, well... It did happed to me, I had a $25,000.00 trailer stolen that had warmers, refers, chafing dishes, generators utensils - the whole 9... I was angry for about 6 min. Then I started laughing. What else was I gonna do... I prayed for the guy right there. Since then, My catering business has taken off, I won 1st place at a little contest and I am getting into doing festivals. I am glad that this person has it and I really do hope that they can benefit from it the way that I wanted to.

SO, there you have it, my .02 that turned into about $3.75

That is so easy to say when you have insurance. Me? YuP! I have insurance as well but don't ever let me catch someone stealing.
Yeah, I forgive them for being the way they are but I am still going to rain down justice on them the old school way. Maybe he will find it in his heart to forgive me after I assess his punishment (usually a broken finger or two does the job).
dude picture this... You know how banks have exploding dye money? Big old bag of Dog $hit blows open door on double barrel when he lifts it.

Time for 4King BBq to break out the King of Clubs!
Quick question, Do you leave your car keys inside your car in case someone without one figures he needs it worse than you? Guy is a thief. Could have stopped buy and asked if it was unwanted. But no he stole it.

A scrapper stopped by my dads place one day while i was there. He asked me if i had any metal. I respected that. I loaded him up. My old man saved everything. I set aside stuff to get to valuable things (Metal) In his broken English he told me he would haul away the junk also. Now there is a guy I would give to again. Twice now I have been to the house to check on it and found notes his kid wrote for him offering to help clean out "stuff". He knows the house is unoccupied, ladders, mower, all sorts of sell able things in arms reach. Never anything missing! God bless Him. "EARNING" a living.
Im all fer a good thumpin from time to time, I just think that we autta take a knee and mke sure that our heart is in the right place before we put our hand in the wrong place...

I am not advocating going out and beating dumpster divers just because we are angry about this. I deal with theives in my neighborhood all the time and if I catch you red handed then we are going to either have a problem or he is going to jail.
You cannot hand out an asswhoopin' on someone unless you catch them in the act and even then half the time it is better to call law enforcement to handle the (Lack Of) justice. I do get one every once in a while that thinks he is going to fight his way out of his situation and that is where the fun begins. Ever watch UFC or WEC fights? He always taps like a beeotch!:twisted: Every once in a while something goes crack (oops). Never used a fist since I was 19 (27 years ago).
Farkars must go down. Name, county and the state and I may be of some assistance.... wrong is wrong.
God has willed that through his infinite wisdom, with the loss of this pit, that it should be replaced by a WSM. Hurry, before it's gone.:p
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I dont mean to rain down on anyone's pissed off party here but I have a suggestion.

Would it be proper to wish the thief well? I know that what he did was wrong and all and I'm not condoning stealing ANYTHING!! All I'm saying is that, if we all got what we deserved we would have some butt rub all over us and be stuck in the big smoker in the sky...

This cat that stole your smoker, I say... Bless him and his family, wish him good times and great meals on a great unit. Ask the man upstairs that every time he cooks on it that he is reminded that there is a God that wants to forgive him.

Ya never know, at the end of the party, when it's all over, y'all may be sitting at the same table in heaven grabbing for the same rib. I’m my mind, that's what it's all about.

You got that smoker once, I'll be willing to bet that you'll get another...

Not telling y'all what to do an anything, just a suggestion...

You can say well, if it happed to you you'd be pissed to, well... It did happed to me, I had a $25,000.00 trailer stolen that had warmers, refers, chafing dishes, generators utensils - the whole 9... I was angry for about 6 min. Then I started laughing. What else was I gonna do... I prayed for the guy right there. Since then, My catering business has taken off, I won ST place at a little contest and I am getting into doing festivals. I am glad that this person has it and I really do hope that they can benefit from it the way that I wanted to.

SO, there you have it, my .02 that turned into about $3.75

I can't tell if you're a bleeding heart liberal, a religious zealot nut, or a pansy, but stealing is wrong!

You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour

Ya, I should be happy and pray that he is happy. Nah...I prefer the old eye for an eye.
"I can't tell if you're a bleeding heart liberal, a religious zealot nut, or a pansy, but stealing is wrong!"

I'll tell you what man, I have not made any negative comments about you nor suggested that you were a bad person or questioned your character. I was only offering my advice that you had essentially asked for by posting in this forum.

If you don’t like my advice, fine, no offence taken, we are all different people and deal with stuff in different ways.

However, to make these statements is outa line and uncalled for.

If you read my posting I clearly state that I’m not condoning stealing ANYTHING!!

Its a smoker, get over yourself. If you wana pout cuz the world is unfair go for it but don’t take it out on the folks around you.

And sure I'll be a “Religious Zealot Nut”. But if you wana see how much of a pansy I am come on down to Beavercreek, Ohio and find out... If you need directions go to my website... I can either invite you to a little concrete or dinner or both for that matter.

Don’t go making assumptions bro... All I was saying is that vengeance is God's and if we let Him do His job ours is a whole lot easier and usually much less painful.
As they say down here in Texas, "That just ain't right". Good wuppin might do the fella some good. It is after all a BBQ Pit. :-D
"I can't tell if you're a bleeding heart liberal, a religious zealot nut, or a pansy, but stealing is wrong!"

I'll tell you what man, I have not made any negative comments about you nor suggested that you were a bad person or questioned your character. I was only offering my advice that you had essentially asked for by posting in this forum.

If you don’t like my advice, fine, no offence taken, we are all different people and deal with stuff in different ways.

However, to make these statements is outa line and uncalled for.

If you read my posting I clearly state that I’m not condoning stealing ANYTHING!!

Its a smoker, get over yourself. If you wana pout cuz the world is unfair go for it but don’t take it out on the folks around you.

And sure I'll be a “Religious Zealot Nut”. But if you wana see how much of a pansy I am come on down to Beavercreek, Ohio and find out... If you need directions go to my website... I can either invite you to a little concrete or dinner or both for that matter.

Don’t go making assumptions bro... All I was saying is that vengeance is God's and if we let Him do His job ours is a whole lot easier and usually much less painful.

You'll forgive a guy for stealing your stuff, Okay I got it.
Yet you want to assult someone who says you MAY be a pansy?

I dont want to assult anyone!!! To make general statments and call a fellow brother names is not called for. I did however invite him to get to know me a little better...
Hey guys, let's just chill out here. This isn't called for between members of the forum.

The worst part about the whole thing is it changes how you live. You'll be stuck thinking "is this going to get stolen?" whenever something isn't locked up.
I dont want to assult anyone!!! To make general statments and call a fellow brother names is not called for. I did however invite him to get to know me a little better...

3 things you will never touch without me giving you one hell of an @ss whoopin...

My wife
My kids
My BBQ grills

Although I will have to admit the first 2 require a much more serious beating.