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Wandering around with a bag of matchlight, looking for a match.
Feb 8, 2015
Good morning,
I've been barbecuing for 10 years in a traditional heavy-as-hell offset cooker and am hooked. Moving to a new house the offset cooker stays behind, but I built a well-insulated indoor brick wood-fired oven, and there is a large fireplace in the next room.

My oven sure was not designed for barbecue, but the oven retains heat very well and On Sunday I've tried burning down apple logs in the fireplace, then moving the embers to the oven with a piece of brisket on a grate halfway up the oven ceiling. Results were very encouraging, the heat is a whole lot more stable than in the relatively much thinner and uninsulated offset cooker.

The difficulty is that I can't really have a very hot fire in there to have a hot, clean, almost transparent smoke as should be. Too hot and the whole temperature goes up and stays up. Smoke is more of the white kind.

A much easier option would be to preheat the oven, the make smoke with sawdust, but such cold-generated, smoldering smoke would probably not yield the best tasting results.

Did anybody try something like this before? Any advice?