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Why anyone would accept a nomination for the BOD is beyond me!!!!:shock:

I'll say it again. It is a thankless job. Although I try and thank our Directors whenever I am given the opportunity. I for one appreciate BOD members responding. Personally, for folks to attack or try to break down what your 'thoughts' are in a post just isn't right. Not a slam at Sled, cause I know Jorge has seen him in his underwear. So they are tight.

So thanks George, Steve, Dave, Jeff and Candy (hope I didn't miss someone) for posting. I might not agreevwith everything, but I appreciate it.

Thankless jobs?? Jorge went from a moderator here, to a moderator in AZ(?? i think), to a KCBS BOD member? Now THATS a career path that needs some thinkin. :crazy::twitch:


If reciprocity is seriously something that you or the KCBS is interested in, then maybe something like 4 free memberships to the KCBS (to be given to someone in each category) that has never been a member before.

I imagine (and only imagine) that the cost wouldn't be be great. Pretty much the shipping of the Bullsheet. And it wouldn't detract from sales of memberships if it is going to someone new. It would hopefully also act as a recruitment tool by getting that person interested and possibly re-upping next year.

That would be a $140 value to the organizer without a significant cost to the KCBS and it might help with KCBS recruitment.


If reciprocity is seriously something that you or the KCBS is interested in, then maybe something like 4 free memberships to the KCBS (to be given to someone in each category) that has never been a member before.

I imagine (and only imagine) that the cost wouldn't be be great. Pretty much the shipping of the Bullsheet. And it wouldn't detract from sales of memberships if it is going to someone new. It would hopefully also act as a recruitment tool by getting that person interested and possibly re-upping next year.

That would be a $140 value to the organizer without a significant cost to the KCBS and it might help with KCBS recruitment.


Edit: Speaking solely for myself, etc.....

Lets exclude the $. Is it more beneficial to have members that have an investment in the organization? I can tell you that I was relieved, when I was seated, to learn that we did NOT have a lot of freebie memberships in place.

Your last point, has some punch and I'll pass that along to the Membership Committee. Even with minimal retention, that is a plus for KCBS. I suspect that organizers would view it differently however. I understand that!
I would like to publicly apologize to Jorge. I was only busting his balls. I was way out of line and i took it to far. I am sorry for that. I forget sometimes that he's friend first BOD 2nd. I couldn't be happier with my decision to vote for him and I know he's doing a kick ass job for us. I also forget how folks could potentially use his words against him and I now totally understand his disclaimer.
admittedly i did a similar thing to jorge in another thread and still feel terribly about it. i got caught up in the debate and forgot who i was debating with.

like sled said, something to always bear in mind ladies and gentlemen, these guys and gals are our friends and brethren AS WELL AS BoD members. we should remember to treat them as such.

sorry for the hijack, but it's my thread anyway. :twisted:

*edit* i'm not suggesting anyone is being disrespectful or anything, i'm just saying it's POSSIBLE to get carried away.
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Why anyone would accept a nomination for the BOD is beyond me!!!!:shock:

I'll say it again. It is a thankless job. Although I try and thank our Directors whenever I am given the opportunity. I for one appreciate BOD members responding. Personally, for folks to attack or try to break down what your 'thoughts' are in a post just isn't right. Not a slam at Sled, cause I know Jorge has seen him in his underwear. So they are tight.

So thanks George, Steve, Dave, Jeff and Candy (hope I didn't miss someone) for posting. I might not agreevwith everything, but I appreciate it.

I blame you and Plowboy. Sled cares, and that counts for a lot. I don't have a problem with folks having a passion for BBQ or what we do. I'll gladly deal with that rather than apathy!

I would like to publicly apologize to Jorge. I was only busting his balls. I was way out of line and i took it to far. I am sorry for that. I forget sometimes that he's friend first BOD 2nd. I couldn't be happier with my decision to vote for him and I know he's doing a kick ass job for us. I also forget how folks could potentially use his words against him and I now totally understand his disclaimer.

I may not have appreciated at the time, but I did understand it. It was you, just being you and calling it as you saw it. I appreciate and respect the matter how much heartburn it may give me. Light me up personally next time. Then, after hearing my side, say whatever you want. I can't stop you, and it's your right. I'm not from NY or the island, but I get it and respect it. He stole my bed at the Royal one year, and I let that slide. Beyond that, he's and his family are welcome in our home any time. (cevapcici, just sayin)

admittedly i did a similar thing to jorge in another thread and still feel terribly about it. i got caught up in the debate and forgot who i was debating with.

like sled said, something to always bear in mind ladies and gentlemen, these guys and gals are our friends and brethren AS WELL AS BoD members. we should remember to treat them as such.

sorry for the hijack, but it's my thread anyway. :twisted:

*edit* i'm not suggesting anyone is being disrespectful or anything, i'm just saying it's POSSIBLE to get carried away.

If I didn't say it before, I'll say it now. I appreciate and respect you for saying that. I appreciate the passion you show. That counts a lot!
Speaking for the bikini brief wearing contigent out there. We take no responsibility for any actions, thoughts, votes etc that Jorge may make during his term on the bod. I'm sure the years of therapy that he has received since the " incident" at the royal has reversed all the damage by now .
As a first time organizer of a first time cook-off, I was happy to donate an entry to the Banquet. I don't know by what route it happened, but that donated entry wound up in the hands of the 2011 #3 TOY, Butcher BBQ and I'm happy to have him as the first team entered in my cook-off.

I can understand some of the points made about fees on top of fees, but this is a voluntary donation.The wording is "best effort"; if I thought that the single entry fee donation would irreparably damage Smokin' Up A Storm, I would not have donated it. In reality, there are ways to make up for that entry fee, and besides, it does help promote your event.
Speaking as one who purchase the sanctioning product from KCBS (i.e. an organizer), I don't see any reason to change the previous policy of voluntary participation in the contest entry raffle at the KCBS Banquet. Those who wish to may donate, those who don't abstain.

The downside I see in changing the language is that it implies that there is a consequence to not choosing to participate. I know from my own experience that groups setting up new events understood that they were expected to give a free entry, even though as start-ups they were already sorely taxed to keep their fledgling event out of the red.

I proposed the idea of compensation to organizers only as a response to the concept of making the donation of an entry mandatory. As long as this is not the case I believe the current arrangement regarding entries is fine, though it would be good if KCBS would provide a donation letter for the value of the entry to the organizer for tax purposes.
Wow, guess next time I'll just let my curiosity remain a curiosity (you know that will never happen).
What an interesting sampling of opinions....
As I see it, KCBS is asking for a chance to promote your contest and maybe raise a couple bucks for charitable acts.
You can do so or you can not do so, you pick.
P.S. I would like to see an actual determination of where the money is used.
As a first time organizer of a first time cook-off, I was happy to donate an entry to the Banquet. I don't know by what route it happened, but that donated entry wound up in the hands of the 2011 #3 TOY, Butcher BBQ and I'm happy to have him as the first team entered in my cook-off.

I can understand some of the points made about fees on top of fees, but this is a voluntary donation.The wording is "best effort"; if I thought that the single entry fee donation would irreparably damage Smokin' Up A Storm, I would not have donated it. In reality, there are ways to make up for that entry fee, and besides, it does help promote your event.

What Matt said! The free entry is a promotion opportunity for the contest too. I guarantee that many of the cooks reading this who've gotten entries end up cooking contests that they'd never normally consider doing. I'm doing 2 myself this year, Jeffersonville, IN and Plant City, FL. I got a free entry to Amelia Island this year and I wasn't intending to cook it again, but I will go back because of the free entry.
I think it's the language change in the sanctioning agreement that's causing concern as it has in essence gone from "it would be nice if...." to "you will".
What Matt said! The free entry is a promotion opportunity for the contest too. I guarantee that many of the cooks reading this who've gotten entries end up cooking contests that they'd never normally consider doing. I'm doing 2 myself this year, Jeffersonville, IN and Plant City, FL. I got a free entry to Amelia Island this year and I wasn't intending to cook it again, but I will go back because of the free entry.

I've cooked white a few states that I wouldn't have cooked if not for a free entry. I'm willing to travel a little though...