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how would the fat affect the taste of the rub. if left on would it flavor the fat vs flavoring the meat?
I have a question for folks regarding the fat. What do you recommend for smoking, remove it, or trim it up? First shot at cooking one of these tasty dudes.

FWIW, the Ribeye loin can be trimmed out all sorts of different ways in the store, so it kind of depends. Basically, I like fat so I leave a small layer on, about 1/4 inch or so. If more is present, I trim it back. Where it gets tricky is if the tail of the ribeye is left on. There's an intercostal muscle running through the tail, and it's tasty. But it's not always worth leaving on depending on the amount of fat. Also, if your loin is bone in, it makes it a bit more difficult to remove. If you do remove it however, you can "french" the bones and it looks impressive.

They go into some great detail on this here.