Another ABT question

Norcoredneck said:
Does anyone have a suggestion for some meat other than Pork to cap off a ABT with? My wife promissed her brother in-law I would Q for him. After telling me, I reminded her of his religion (Muslim).

Maybe Pastrami????
Sounds good to me, especially with shrimp or similar inside.

For those that won't try the ABT's, I make another appetizer for them. I take whole waterchestnuts and soak in soy sauce overnight. Then wrap in bacon and cook like the ABT's.

Norcoredneck.....for the BIL, you could get some of that real thin sliced beef and fold it over itself twice, then wrap it around and secure with a toothpick.
Norcoredneck said:
Does anyone have a suggestion for some meat other than Pork to cap off a ABT with? My wife promissed her brother in-law I would Q for him. After telling me, I reminded her of his religion (Muslim).

How about turkey bacon?