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easy boys I'm still flyin high with a 47 over all score!!!!
Great words, Todd! Tammy and I are also proud of Andy and Kim! What an absolute deserved finish for Smoke on Wheels!

Lee and I were very surprised today when we saw the sheets saying we finished 24th overall! That was with no calls! Oddly enough our brisket was what we thought was best today after we considered it the lowest of the four categories in the Invitational. Turns out, it was by far our lowest place (108th). Probably would have cracked the top 20 overall had it been in the same range as our other three categories.

It was a legendary weekend for Sloppy Creek! Thursday night, we hosted a poker party at our site and I won... I NEVER win at poker! Saturday morning, I caught my Spicewine on fire when grease burst into a roaring inferno not ten minutes before we were going to put ribs on it. Thankfully everything else had been wrapped, removed and placed into Lee's FEC to finish! Also luckily, the team next to us failed to show so we were able to pull the smoker over into the open area to prevent our canopy from catching on fire! Followed that up with a DAL in pork in the Invitational and took loads of chit from my brothers for that! :lol: And for an encore, we decided that our sausage box should be made from puppy peters trimmed to form the words "EAT ME". No visit from the reps so... Finally, hitting 24th out of 459 teams was a great capper to the weekend!

It was awesome to meet several Brothers I had previously not gotten to meet - Vinny, Sled, Sean, Scott, Speedo, Jaberwabe, Transformer, Tom and Christy and DaChief! Sorry if I left out anyone... I'm totally beat and not thinking clearly! Got home from the Royal, unloaded and then trimmed and seasoned 18 pork butts to cook tomorrow in preparation of feeding 250 folks! I haven't even gotten to shower yet. :eek:

Unbelievable!! I guess the judges can't read! You came in ahed of us in sausage!! Mayvbe next time I need to write something out with our brisket! LOL:lol:
Rich and Bunny
It was great to meet everyone, congrats to everyone who got calls..

Add us to the list too.. We finished 7th Overall..
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Just want to chime in and congratulate Andy and Kim once again! What a team you are! And your little girls- even at their young age- knew what that award meant! That's what family is people! I had a great time at a time I really needed it. It was really cool to meet fellow Brethren that I hadn't met before, and spend more time with ones I have. To watch Andy and Todd cook together- well, I know a team when I see it! Todd, thanks for including me this weekend, brother. I hate that I can't spend time with you like I used to, but look forward to that phone call after every contest!
Just want to chime in and congratulate Andy and Kim once again! What a team you are! And your little girls- even at their young age- knew what that award meant! That's what family is people! I had a great time at a time I really needed it. It was really cool to meet fellow Brethren that I hadn't met before, and spend more time with ones I have. To watch Andy and Todd cook together- well, I know a team when I see it! Todd, thanks for including me this weekend, brother. I hate that I can't spend time with you like I used to, but look forward to that phone call after every contest!

Randy - Thanks for letting me in on the fun! I really enjoy cooking with Todd. But getting to spend time with you when you do make it out- like Laurie last year, the GAB, and the AR....I wouldnt give that up for anything. People watching on Friday night was a blast this year!!! Thanks for the compliments... It is great to be able to share it with the whole family. I think Kaylin really put it in perspective for me when we were sitting there... She said "mommy put together pretty boxes; Daddy you cooked really good, and I prayed alot!" She was saying a little prayer while we were listening to the top 10 overall calls... I was pretty humbled by how much she wanted me to get my name called.... at age 7. Most kids are all "me me me" at that age... (she has her moments... but) she was praying for daddy. Pretty neat for this dad. I have alot to be thankful for.

And having family and friends like Todd, Audrey, You and Sandy - only make it that much sweeter. Thanks again!
Andy and Kim Congrats on the RGC. I enjoyed meeting you and thanks for answering my questions when I picked up the pellets. I dumped my whole hog on its side when unloading it today. One of teh wheels had come off and it tipped over on the trailer ramp. No serious damage that I can tell, but it did bend both of the lid handles. I guess now it looks tough. Congrats again.
Andy, I just realized that was you in your avatar. Got to update it!!! You have really changed! Congrats again. The cajun food was great Sunday evening, see you soon. Scott
Congrats to all the Brethren that had a chance to compete at the AR, it was a fantastic event...

A special congrats to Andy, Kim and Family...You guys are top notch and what a great bunch of people...

Congrats to Stoddard and Brown on that brisket! I told you that it was the second best when I tasted it:wink: You guys were great neighbors and we really enjoyed the time we got to spend visiting with you