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Sorry I missed this. I went camping for the week.

I didn't monitor the temp this time. Last time I made it the HB chugged along at about 200F. I just filled it the same this time and let er go.
It was a low long roast or cook.

Rueben says the length of smoke time is at the discretion of the cook. You can pull the meat off when ever you want.
I like the texture at 6 hours. I pulled the smaller pieces of at 4 hours. The meat was pliable, tender and still had juice.

Again, not sure what to call this stuff. It's not like jerky, it is plump and juicy. It's not salty at all (to me) and has more of an Asian flavor with the garlic and ginger.
It's Rueben and his friend's way to cook brisket for carrying around.

Thanks for the nice comments... Hope you give his recipe a try!

How would you describe the flavor Jeannie? With the Tenderquick and soy is it salty like jerky? "Hammy" at all? How do you eat it?
I eat it like jerky. Came in handy while camping..
Not hammy or salty. More of an Asian flavor with the soy, garlic and ginger.
Thanks Wampus!
What a great cook. I will eventually like to try this. Is the distance from the coals part of the equation ? And I must take exception ... there is not enough pictures .