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somebody shut me the fark up.
Jun 26, 2009
sAn leAnDRo, CA
I am putting this thread here, for the reason that I think it makes sense more as a report on a good day, than on a comp. Even though it is vaguely about a comp. And for those that wonder why you would go to a competition if you are not competing, maybe there is a reason here.

I had the opportunity to run out to Livermore and hang out with a few friends at a local 'backyard' BBQ rib cook-off and decided it was such a nice day, and free beer was offered, why not.

I ended up joining Marty Leach, Tim Bryant from Greenleaf BBQ, Dave and Deny Bart (BBQ_PD), and a couple of Tim's friends, one whose name I did not get and Tim's friend Bruce, who it turns out is the meat guy for United Grocers. This is important in that he is the guy who has access on where I can get Painted Hills Beef packers. I need to suck up to Bruce.

I ended up spending most of the day with them, from ribs going on to final judging. It was a small competition, and honestly, more about fun and eating than a real competition.


Part of Team Greenleaf, Tim on left, Marty in the center and Tim's friend


Bart's Blazin' Q, Deny Bart on left, Dave (BBQ_PD) in center

I had the opportunity to taste a few other folks ribs as well, and of course, Marty cooked a little something. A beef cheek dish, that he used some form of mole recipe he got from somewhere. Beef cheeks are so rich, and quite tender when cooked up right. Here is the mixture and the taco I had for lunch.


Beef Cheek Mole


Mmmm, taco

Tim cooked on a BGE for the turn in ribs, the WSM's primarily where there for snack cooking. It was a good time sampling out and seeing folks react to the great ribs. The Barts also cooked a few extra racks and were very generous is handing out samples. They ended up winning the event, which I think was a real thrill even as it was a small backyard event.

I got to watch Tim's preparation, cooking ribs without foil, and DAve, who used foil and a little extra punch when foiled. Two very different approaches, two very different end products. Turn ins were in a foil lined box, no garnish. Rating just the meat...

Greenleaf, I would give solid 9 for texture, 8 for flavor, 8 for appearance
Bart's, I would give 8 for texture, 9 for flavor, 8 for appearance

I was amazed to see that Tim did not get a call, but, I think the judges wanted smoke, and the BGE did not lay in the smoke as much as Dave's Backwoods. I tasted the second place ribs, and honestly, other than smoke, I think Tim's ribs were better. Also, Tim has a sauce recipe, that is amazingly like Blues Hog.


Marty and his WGA


This last photo is two guys, attempting to cut one rack of ribs for turn-in. I felt the need to mock them during this time. It was great to just hang with friends, but, also to watch some good cooks preparing their ribs, and they were very good ribs.
Bob, thanks for the pics. I just got back from being with my son up at Sonoma State so I haven't even unloaded the ice chest from yesterday....

Great pictures and discussion. Nice wrap up for a really fun day with all the ingredients for perfection. Friends, Q, beer and great weather.
Thanks for the post Bob! Looks like a great day and the food looks killer! :-D
You could tell that was Marty just by looking at the WSM's and the WGA. That has to be one of the very few WGA's with his custom handles on all parts of the grill. It looks sweet!

Watch Phubar and Padawan's threads. The people in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe really love to be outdoors and BBQ. The WGA is great for them because they are so mobile. I have shipped 120+ handles to the Netherlands, many of them for WGA's... The Dutch are fun people and some day I am going to get there!
Thanks for posting this Bob. It's was really great to hang out with such a solid crew. Marty had mouths watering for both breakfast burritos and those tacos. Bruce will be around alot and defiently has expert meat cutting skills in addition to a deep understanding of the regional meat business. The reason I actually signed up for this "contest" was because both Marty and Bruce were available to form a team with me. It was a great excuse to spend some time together with those guys and BBQ PD, made even better when you rolled in. Great pics!
Thanks for the post Bob! I had the pleasure of hanging out at that event last year so I'm really bummed that I couldn't make it there this time. Looks like it was a great time! Congrats to BBQ PD on the win!