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I went pellet about 2 years ago. Liked it so much that I sold my ceramic cookers and stick burner. All I have is my MAK and a 26.75 kettle. Couldn’t be happier with my decision. My MAK handles about 90% of my cooking needs. And I honestly feel that I am turning out some of the best food I have made to date :)
I know from your posts(16Adams) that you are a big Instant Pot fan. Believe it or not, my Instant Pot, is what got me to thinking about a pellet cooker. So far, it has been the same experience I had with my Instant Pot. The more I use it, the more I love it. It's a new world, time to drink the kool-aid.:tea:
My first smoker was electric and I’ll be damned if I have to rely on electricity to smoke my meats. I’m not 21 anymore. I know a thing or two now.
I figure smokers are like guns. Some folks are happy with one or two and others have a whole bunch and keep wanting new ones.

Ain't no "one size fits all".
Different strokes. I passed on the clearance Banderas at Wallys last year. Very cool- but did not "fill a need" that I did not have covered. I have an old gasser (I hate that bastid) that I would sit on the curb immediately if I could get the "director of household finances" to approve a pellet grill.

Least you still have your friends. Yes- they crossed over to the BBQ Dark Side- but did not "walk towards the light". :grin:
I got a pellet pooper because when we first started church planting we lived in a tiny apartment and that was all I could get approved. But it actually has done me proud more than once. I had only cooked on an offset before I bought it, and I found that if I use 100% flavor wood and go low and slow, the flavor is Very nice. But I will say that a hot and fast guy might be fairly disappointed with the smoke he gets. It's just too efficient at those temperatures.
So....I have a Rec Tec pellet smoker, an Old Country Over Under Stick Burner, and a Old Country Smokehouse vertical Stick Burner.

Each one has it's place. I like them all. I do love the ease of the Rec Tec. I set it, place the food on it, and do other stuff that needs to be done in my busy life. When I have time, I use the stick burners.

To each his own, I suppose. Some purists say pellet smokers are cheating. If so, then haul me away. It puts out great food that my family and many others love to eat. And that's good enough for me.
So....I have a Rec Tec pellet smoker, an Old Country Over Under Stick Burner, and a Old Country Smokehouse vertical Stick Burner.
Each one has it's place. I like them all. I do love the ease of the Rec Tec. I set it, place the food on it, and do other stuff that needs to be done in my busy life. When I have time, I use the stick burners.

To each his own, I suppose. Some purists say pellet smokers are cheating. If so, then haul me away. It puts out great food that my family and many others love to eat. And that's good enough for me.

These 4 stretch from Az to NH. Pellets are a national thing. I don’t have a passport so no clue about other continents. One rides the Moab Slick Rock frequently, two retired former state trooper, a formal navy SEAL. All but one stand in cold rivers fishing for trout.

1. I just realized Ive got some cool friends
(I knew this but looks cool typed :)
2. Pellet Grills —it’s about the meat, not the process

I think of Whataburger or check out rotisserie chicken for quick meals, not my cookers. However I’m seldom in that big of a hurry anymore.

I enjoy new coals, selection and blending of woods, the time it takes for my various cookers to do their thing. The post cook glow realizing hey, make a quick meatloaf or can of SPAM proud. Finding the occasional hardwood limb and laying it on the fire. Dropping onion peels on the hot coals for that State Fair aroma. I really enjoy the process.

Heat and Meat.
Lots of ways to get the end zone.
Verified again I’m not a cook rather a MSU artiste
I’d get a pellet and probably love it.
I’m like the wounded bank robber looking down Dirty Harry’s S&W Model 29

“I gots to know”
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My Pint is set it and forget it. I am still using wood. No pellet for me. I am sorry that you crossed over. We should start a group for pellet users. Maybe a 12 step program to get them back to wood? Just kidding!! I have never actually eaten food from a pellet smoker. I have heard they produce great Q.
I'm struggling with this decision. I've generally thought of myself as a charcoal purist. But see I recently became a Dad and I'm just finding it harder than before to find enough hours in the day. Being able to just go out on the patio and turn a knob to "on," throw the meat on, insert the probe and come back in several hours sounds pretty darned attractive at this point.

I think the only thing stopping me right now is the whole "clean smoke" taste I hear about. I haven't actually tasted anything off a pellet smoker myself as of yet but I like a pretty aggressive smoked flavor. If the pellet smokers produce weak Q that would be fairly disappointing to me.

Get yourself a amazin tube smoker and you'll be all set. The smoke flavor I get using the tube is on par with my RF offset.
my boss, who is mainstream america, no time for bbq, just bought a pellet smoker and loves cooking on it.

so even though I would NEVER buy a pellet cooker (UDS fan for life) I appreciate the fact that the ease of use of it and the affordability is bringing people into the bbq fold who would otherwise not be barbecuing.
8lbs of Chuck Roast/PSB today on the pellet smoker. All while I tended to my sick girlfriend, walked the dogs, got a haircut, hit up home depot, and put a layer of mud on the closet I built yesterday (built it while smoking 17lbs of pork butt). And it was 13* outside. I just now have time to sit down and have a beer.

I can do all that with my PCC and a BBQ Guru and never get near any pellets.

I can't lie though, I've been eyeing the FEC240 for a while now just for the portability. I can load it on the back of the trailer to haul it while I have to borrow a truck to pull the trailer and the PCC around.
Was at the inlaws last week for Christmas. They live in the CA Central Valley on several thousand acres of orchards and pig breeding. Despite being hardcore ranchers, he’s prevoisly had a gasser and always turns out great product. Recently bought a traeger and put out some awesome ribs last week, I think the first I’ve actually ate off of a traeger. It almost swayed me they were so good.

But then last night I was dumping my chimney into the kettle and thought, nah not for me
I have a lot of friends that have pellet cookers and love them. I just can't warm up to having one and with the smokers that I currently have, I don't feel the need for one. My Good One smokers are pretty much set it and forget it and I maybe only having to refuel once or twice during a long cook. That doesn't take much time and I can be back to doing what I need to pretty quick.

I guess part of the reason I don't want one is being dependent on electricity and possible mechanical failures during a cook.

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