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Glad to see you hittin' the comp trail bro! :p How's the "Egg Hauler" comin'?

yep, this'll be my second. looks like a smaller comp so it won't be so stressful (right!)

i got half my order for the core trax tie down system for the trailer. they shorted me a few pieces and they are supposedly sending those now........... still wating for the title to come in the mail
Maybe a few members of the A Team could help us out here. 9 more teams will make this one of the first qualifiers for next years Jack and with only two qualifiers in far..........well you've got to like those odds.
Maybe a few members of the A Team could help us out here. 9 more teams will make this one of the first qualifiers for next years Jack and with only two qualifiers in far..........well you've got to like those odds.

I've thought hard about it but i now have a paying gig on Sept. 14. I'll be in Nashville, In. next weekend, and visiting owensboro. It'll be a busy month already. Besides, I can't bear losing to you again by .0002 !!:sad:.. man, was that a close contest !!!... If you're going to Nashville, maybe we can drink a beer and laugh
You know Podge, I was thinking of posting a question on the Barbecue Forum to see if there was ever a contest where the top three were separated by less than.0008 of a point. Some crazy things had to happen to all of us for that to happen. My contribution was a 31st place in ribs (after last years 3rd place in ribs at Madison) and I keep torturing myself by saying if I could only have finished 30th! But seriously for a newbie like myself it was an honor to finish that close with such an accomplished group as you and Randy.

We will be at Nashville next weekend and I'm bringing my Fatboy with me this time. I look forward to having a beer with you Podge!

You know Podge, I was thinking of posting a question on the Barbecue Forum to see if there was ever a contest where the top three were separated by less than.0008 of a point. Some crazy things had to happen to all of us for that to happen. My contribution was a 31st place in ribs (after last years 3rd place in ribs at Madison) and I keep torturing myself by saying if I could only have finished 30th! But seriously for a newbie like myself it was an honor to finish that close with such an accomplished group as you and Randy.

We will be at Nashville next weekend and I'm bringing my Fatboy with me this time. I look forward to having a beer with you Podge!


You may have won if you used that Fat Boy !!..
there has not been a lot of postings about web site to see who all is going to be there...but, other than that....not too sure

Big Mike, your runner says that you had better be there...otherwise what will she have to do? Hope you get a sudden burst of energy and decide to come....and hopefully there can be a push on teams as it least the extra 9 more teams....from the way they made it sound though, even though it is at the Ford plant, that it is more park like than parking lot like.....

The only grass I see is a strip down the center dividing two parking lots
Roger, I think that area is reserved for the Judges and the awards ceremony!:-D
Just got off phone with Jim and he said that the teams list was suppose to be up a couple days ago and is checking why it ........4:30 pm. on the 28th there are 20 teams. He just called back and at bottom where the juding form and entry form there is listing for 2008 entries which list the teams the update will be tomorrow with the rest that he has. Also he said If we would like to promote BBQ-BRETHREN that if we forward him something that he will have fliers printed up to hand out.........Just a thought. Let me know if this is something we want to do.
Hopefully, but, the way that the temps have been, we wont be baking either way....just like the grass to avoid leg fatigue.......

Laughing, hmm, Dallas, do you think that we should see how to strap the Fat Boy on top of one of the trucks.....hell, we could start selling tickets to the BBQ Smoker Museum
The only grass I see is a strip down the center dividing two parking lots


i'm parking right in the middle of that farking grass :biggrin:
the problem with that is, boat eggs were the morning before... there's no time for that in cincy. i'll make pizzas friday night though :biggrin:
That's a much bigger strip than I had envisioned! I call first dibs on shade!:-D
it looks like we each get a shade tree! :icon_cool
I suppose the good folks at Ford wouldn't make an exception for a good ol' boy driving a Chevy would they?