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Full Fledged Farker
Oct 23, 2013
Name or Nickame
So.... I fell asleep again. Started my cook around 10:00 a.m. yesterday. I wrapped it in butcher paper around 11:00 last night. Internal temperature was about 175. Done the scratch test no rub was coming off. had decent bark. Fell asleep, woke up this morning around 7:00. went to my grill and grate temperature was 205. I checked the meat temperature and it too at 205 LOL

I'm sure this will be mush, it definitely won't be sliceable. All I got to say is I am really impressed with that b&b charcoal logs. I still have coals lit in my wsm. Everybody knows that WSM 22 is not efficient but this charcoal is on another level of awesomeness.

The headline is deceiving I meant to say 21 hour bbrisket.

Update: had to upload some pictures to show what a 21-hour smoked brisket looks like. The flat with sliceable. overall Smokey and tender. Super juicy definitely overcooked LOL







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Did something similar a few weeks back. Turned out to be great!
What have you got to lose at this point? Try slicing the flat- and maybe go a bit thick on the cuts.

If it's too tender for that- give it a chill and then try slicing.

It might be wonderful.

Let us know.
What have you got to lose at this point? Try slicing the flat- and maybe go a bit thick on the cuts.

If it's too tender for that- give it a chill and then try slicing.

It might be wonderful.

Let us know.

Great advice.
Many of my briskets got rested, chilled, sliced cold, and reheated with great results. :thumb:
What have you got to lose at this point? Try slicing the flat- and maybe go a bit thick on the cuts.

If it's too tender for that- give it a chill and then try slicing.

It might be wonderful.

Let us know.

I updated and posted pictures. I can't believe it was sliceable hot.
I thought all Brisket was chopped when it went thru the teeth grinder..I would eat it, and say Thankya.
Honestly it turned out better than I expected. The brisket Gods like you.

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One of the best things about brisket (at least to me) is that if you screw up and over cook it, it still tastes awesome! You may need to sauce it, but it still makes a good meal. I worry about it too much and the family just laughs. They eat it all and ask when we are having more. Of course I am not cooking for competitions either...