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Babbling Farker
Aug 20, 2010
Livermore, CA
Name or Nickame
So I hadn't smoked a brisket, in quite some time. But with my recent acquisition of the BWS, I figured I'd give it a shot. I picked up a 13 lb packer from Costco Business Center, although I was hoping for something larger, it would have to do. With a bit of research, I was figuring on cooking @ 250º, for about 1 hr per lb.

Here it is, right out of the cryo.


Trimmed up, it had somewhat of a weird point.



Rubbed with Oakridge Black Ops, and put back in the fridge.



Fired it up around 8:30, basket full of BGE lump & peach chunks. Brought up to temp, and let it ride for an hour or so, to make sure the fire was clean.


Brisket went on at 10 PM.


Up at 2am, to check the fire & water pan...this is where I ran into a bit of an issue.

Fire basket was about 2/3's burned through, so I pulled it out, pushed the lump to the back, and filled the remainder with new. I also filled the water pan, which was still over half full. When I closed it up, I monitored the temp...and it overshot a bit. I wasn't too worried, I just closed the exhaust a bit more, figuring that would help bring it back down. It settled in around 270º, and I was okay with that so I went back to bed.

About 10 minutes later, I hear the Guru alarm sounding, so I go outside to see it's overshooting again...up to 285º. After messing with it for a bit, I got it back where it needed to be, and went back to bed. I guess it was the stirring of the coals that over stoked the fire?

FF to 6:30.....I go out to have a look, and it's beautiful. Unfortunately, it's already a few degrees over what I was hoping. Needless to say, I'm quite surprised that it's done already. Probes like butter, and reading around 205º.



I take it inside, separate the point & flat, flat gets wrapped and into the cooler, point gets cubed up for burnt ends. Sprinkled with a bit more Black Ops, and a drizzle of Bart's Blazin' Q sauce, and back into the BWS for another hour.


Here they are, fresh out of the oven...really tasty and very tender. Looking forward to trying the flat, with any luck, it won't be terrible.


I guess it'll take a few more cooks on the BWS, to get a better handle on it's temperament. All things considered, other than it being don WAY early, I'd say it went well. Thanks for looking, and any/all feedback is welcomed.