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Looks like a great start to a long, but fun day.

Enjoy, and Happy Birthday to your son!
Happy Birthday Tiny Human!
Lucky you to be cooking. Should be in the mid 50's here, instead were having a farking blizzard!!:mad2: Supposed to be getting between 8 and 15 inches of snow.
Quick run and had a snack.
Happy birthday to the little guy :) Dude time flies. Seems like yesterday he was just brought into the world!

Everything looks great man. I enjoy looking at your cooks! Any way you c an share the pickled onion recipe? probably not fancy..
This should have happened much later after many drinks, lol.

Stupid wind. God bless $99 Walmart sets

Looks like it might be a little windy out there man :) Dealing with wind here.. I had a coal except bout caught some grass on fire.. then immediately ran to it and started to stop it out.... Forgot I was bare foot..... Not use to that.. Past two days were the first time I've been barefoot since last fall
Looks like it all turned out well. Happy birthday to little man.
The same thing happened to my glass top table years ago. Live and learn. Very nice pics and cook going on there. Happy birthday to the little one.
Besides the shock value (and the fact that it's going to be tasty), I'm curious how much seasoning/flavor carried into those lovely nuggets... eyes - I'd expect some rub/spices... but brains.... not so much.

Looks like you've got a good crowd about to help devour all of your hard work.

You had me here:


I'd love to get a brisket get that color.

As for this:


Are you trying not to see the second birthday???