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somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
Batch Image
Oct 12, 2008
Gallatin, TN
Name or Nickame
We haven't made pizza in a while, so when I suggested it to The Missus the other night, she was all over it. She asked if we could have pepperoni, but I was feeling kind of burned out on it, as we've been using so much lately.

No, I wanted something simple - just a plain cheese pizza. Of course, a negotiation ensued and I agreed we could add fresh basil.

The Blackstone got fired up while I made the pie. I used our go-to store bought dough by Primo Taglio, homemade sauce, and mozzarella.

When the Blackstone's stone temp hit 675, in the pizza went, and a few minutes later out of the oven, the fresh basil went on and this is what we had:




It was mighty tasty!
That thing looks outstanding !!!!

Fresh basil is one of my favorite seasonings. Have a plant growing in the window over the kitchen sink. It barely keeps up with the demand.

The last pizza we cooked here has a very similar setup as yours.....keep it simple. Cheese and a basaltic reduction sauce and basil. My wife asked me why I bother loading them up with all the other toppings after we had the basic balsamic pie.

I always seem to use fresh dough that I buy from the local supermarket's deli/bakery section. It's consistent and does what I need it to do.

That Blackstone is a great pizza machine.
Looks awesome Moose. That's how I always say you can tell a good pizza, just plain cheese.
You got me wanting to possibly go plain cheese tonight.
That pizza looks great. I just pulled the trigger on a Kettle Pizza kit for that sweet weber kettle I just got. Can't wait to put out some quality pies like yours.