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somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
Batch Image
Oct 12, 2008
Gallatin, TN
Name or Nickame
Used a greater ratio of dough for this one, by about a 1/3rd for a thicker, heartier crust. Topped with homemade sauce, mozz, lots of pepperoni, and fresh basil to finish.

Cooked on the Blackstone pizza oven at 675 degree stone temp for roughly 4 minutes.

Here’s pics of the pie right out of the oven whole, sliced, then double sliced with fresh basil ready to be devoured.




What is a good pepperoni to buy? Talking the kind that curls and holds the pepperoni grease. Every one I try leaves me disappointed

You mean like this?

This is from a pizza place close to where we used to live in CA. Love those little grease chalices!

I have not found a pepperoni product that comes close, at least not in retail stores. Your best bet would be to go to an Italian specialty deli and see if they will slice some up for you, or buy a cross section and slice it yourself using an electric meat slicer.
Good idea. Add some green chiles and a pellet cooker and the possibilities really open up...:idea:

This thing looked like a small igloo, and because of the weight it needed to be trailer mounted. I don't remember what the fuel was, but I suspect propane since it was a mobile unit.

It was similar to this one ↓↓↓, which is at one of my favorite bars in the state.... in a little town whose population is 1,000 higher than it's elevation.
