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I believe way too many get too caught up in looks, presentation and snobbiness of perfect smoke ring, perfect half moon rib bite, perfect bite thru chicken skin that they lose the very reason for cooking....just cook it well and serve it. People will love it. Ive served plenty of ugly food...but it was delicious...Not everyone likes the same thing..folks are different. It doesn't need to be an Oscars Award show every time you cook...
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I lost track of the last rack a little and they came off more done then usual. It was a big win with the fam. My preference is probably right in the middle of clean bite and fall of the rib. I am going to go with gentle tug territory.
I don't give a rats a$$ about KCBS or any other BS. When I can pick up a rib stick it in my mouth and pull the bone out, it's perfect. Anyone telling me different is just plain wrong, lol....
I like a clean half moon bite myself. When I cook for the "masses" I take it to right about fall off the bone but you can still pick up a bone. Once they bite it semi falls apart. Keeps everyone happy and at the same time I introduce the bite through tender rib gospel.

Can't blame people who don't know ribs past Tony Roma's or the oven but I do change their minds when they taste real ribs. My $ .02
I used to pull my hair out on stuff like this but eventually decided to give the people what they want. If I’m cooking for people who I know are Applebee’s mush rib lovers, I make them mush Ribs! Why should I smoke ribs for 5+ hours when these people like their ribs braised in BBQ sauce & water for 45 minutes then slathered in tomato based bbq sauce and grilled for 20 minutes. Saves me about 4 hours of time and hassle and they are getting what they want.

I took a bbq course at a KCBS comp a few years ago and one item that was covered was competition vs bulk feed. Most people in the public have been eating chain store bbq for so long and they actually prefer it. If that is what they want and you can produce it a lot faster give it to them!

Here is a recipe that the mush ribs people seem to love.
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I personally think it takes more skill with less margin for error to cook ribs with a little tug. Anyone can put ribs in foil with a braising liquid and cook until you can pull the bones out. I see it on Facebook all the time, and I think "You made Pork Pot Roast"! I don't wrap my ribs so if I go too long they tend to dry out and I must pay attention to what I'm doing. I also used to make Pig Candy with sauce, glaze, etc. and for the last two years I've been a dry rub only guy, so tastes can change.

BBQ is subjective so cook them the way you like them!
A little advice for those who like one way and the wife the other. Cook 2 racks or cut the 1 rack in half when done to your liking and wrap the other half in foil and cook until it's done to her liking. No need for anyone to suffer...

Yep. I (and my daughter's boyfriend) like dry rubbed spicy ribs and my wife and daughter like sweet, sauced fall off the bone and my 95 year old MIL will only eat a rib or two and it's lightly smoked, minimal rub and sauce and super fall off the bone.

Each time I cook ribs it may be the last ones my MIL ever eats so making them the way she likes them is no big deal.
So, I’m going to start this thread knowing that it will provoke a bunch of different opinions. I’m an eclectic cook & I believe that anything on the face of the earth can be cooked over live coals, no matter the source. I just get really irritated when I hear somebody describe ribs as “fall off the bone”. My belief is that if you can pick up a rib bone and have the meat surrender to gravity, you just grabbed yourself some oatmeal with barbecue sauce. I’m particular about having the first bite of a rib leave a perfect half moon behind, but be tender enough to be quickly chewed so you can get the next bite. So that’s just me, what say you all!

I like a clean half moon bite myself. When I cook for the "masses" I take it to right about fall off the bone but you can still pick up a bone. Once they bite it semi falls apart. Keeps everyone happy and at the same time I introduce the bite through tender rib gospel.

Can't blame people who don't know ribs past Tony Roma's or the oven but I do change their minds when they taste real ribs. My $ .02
Yep, People have grown accustomed to "Gimme my baby back, baby back, ribs. Friday's, Tony Roma's, Carson's, etc.etc. Overcooked, maybe even boiled & grilled ribs.

I used to do only properly cooked ribs, with sauce on the side. Let the flavor of the meat speak for itself. Most people don't care, they want sauced, overcooked ribs that they're used to getting. Since I invited them over to eat my food, I'll cook a bunch for their preferences, that way they know my ribs, even though they're over cooked, they'll be better than any ribs they purchased at a restaurant. But I'll also cook some properly for myself and maybe convert some of the heathens.
Every time I cook, I think about who I'm trying to please. Sometimes it's just for me, and I have my preferences. Often times it's for her, and I can adjust to those preferences. Or if it's for her family, that's also different. I enjoy the challenge of cooking to make others happy-there is plenty of time for me to cook to make myself happy.

And, as has been said a few times already, I can cook more than one thing at a time. Timing might get funky, but I'll gladly cook a second slab of ribs so she can have the sweet that she wants, and I'll have the savory that I want.
I grew up with FOTB ribs because that's what all the local restaurants sell. I never knew what bite-through was until I came here. So one day I cooked a couple racks "correctly" for pull off the bone and my guests said they were good but undercooked. That hasn't happened since.