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Got rid of the matchlight.
May 16, 2019
Name or Nickame
Alright so I bought a Old Country Pecos cook on it 3 times having issues every time I close the door the fire goes out so I have to leave the door open half way and I'm getting 20 minutes before I have to put a new log the logs are about 9-10 inches in so what am I doing wrong
Lots of questions.

How are you starting the fire? I use a chimney full of kingsford and a few sticks. Leave the door open a few inches until the smoker is up to temp. You need a good coal base.

Are your exhaust vents and intake vents all wide open?

Where are you getting the wood? If it’s not seasoned well it can smolder instead of catching and burning clean.

Are you preheating splits on the top of the firebox before you put them in? They will catch quicker.

Start there!
I just ran my Pecos for 8 hours and only closed the door for a total of about 15 minutes, it stays wide open 95% of the cook. I keep the stack wide open as well. I feed it a split or two every 45 minutes or so. If they are burning up in 20 minutes you might want to try bigger splits. I should also mention I keep my fire on the grill grate and used the original ash catcher as a makeshift convection plate.
I just ran my Pecos for 8 hours and only closed the door for a total of about 15 minutes, it stays wide open 95% of the cook. I keep the stack wide open as well. I feed it a split or two every 45 minutes or so. If they are burning up in 20 minutes you might want to try bigger splits. I should also mention I keep my fire on the grill grate and used the original ash catcher as a makeshift convection plate.

Thanks I’m going to try that next time