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Full Fledged Farker
May 12, 2012
Denver, CO
As I start to look through what's available for Santa Maria Grills /Argetine Grills, I found a company called Sunterra Outdoor that has a couple of options which caught my eye. I did some searching on the interwebs but couldn't really find any reviews on their products. It also appears that they entered the market last year so that might be the reason. They have a connection to BBQ Pit Boys that they market, but I'm not familiar with that group. So, any feedback on Sunterra Outdoor's products. Here is a link to their site and the Santa Maria grills that look legit.
As I start to look through what's available for Santa Maria Grills /Argetine Grills, I found a company called Sunterra Outdoor that has a couple of options which caught my eye. I did some searching on the interwebs but couldn't really find any reviews on their products. It also appears that they entered the market last year so that might be the reason. They have a connection to BBQ Pit Boys that they market, but I'm not familiar with that group. So, any feedback on Sunterra Outdoor's products. Here is a link to their site and the Santa Maria grills that look legit.

Dont do it :hand:
As I start to look through what's available for Santa Maria Grills /Argetine Grills, I found a company called Sunterra Outdoor that has a couple of options which caught my eye. I did some searching on the interwebs but couldn't really find any reviews on their products. It also appears that they entered the market last year so that might be the reason. They have a connection to BBQ Pit Boys that they market, but I'm not familiar with that group. So, any feedback on Sunterra Outdoor's products. Here is a link to their site and the Santa Maria grills that look legit.

Sunterra International is a logistical and customer service NIGHTMARE BUYER BEWARE . I order a custom grill was told a "guaranteed delivery time of 6 weeks or before" only to have them renege after a big song and dance about delays....This is after a custom outdoor kitchen was built to the specs of the unit purchased (IN FULL). When they ran out of excuses they offered a refund after 5 weeks of waiting for the unit (which i still haven't seen)...TRUTH IS they never even started production....Enrique Valdes,(owner) and Gary Parrott (manager) both unprofessional...
Sunterra International is a logistical and customer service NIGHTMARE BUYER BEWARE . I order a custom grill was told a "guaranteed delivery time of 6 weeks or before" only to have them renege after a big song and dance about delays....This is after a custom outdoor kitchen was built to the specs of the unit purchased (IN FULL). When they ran out of excuses they offered a refund after 5 weeks of waiting for the unit (which i still haven't seen)...TRUTH IS they never even started production....Enrique Valdes,(owner) and Gary Parrott (manager) both unprofessional...

That's good to know....Thanks!!
Wow. I have been checking the website out regarding their Santa Maria grills. Thanks for the warning. I think if I decide to get a grill, it will be from Lone Star Grillz.
Yikes, I was looking at their Santa Maria Grills online just last week, thanks for the heads up!
Glad I saw this. I've been researching a Santa Maria/Argentine grills for a possible new addition and was leaning towards the Sunterra line.

Back to the drawing board.
Ya I posted those in this thread:

BBQ Pitboys has a line with them.......they look BadAss.....Sucks to Hear Customer Service Blows.

....yeah the worst! if they tell you 6 weeks its a lie! Unless you have a TV show or affiliation that dont care about you.... Im still left in the wake of this nightmare!! smh... Only now found a fabricator to start building me something similar, the customer is irate to say the least...FU GARY PARROTT! / SUNTERRA! :mad2:
As I start to look through what's available for Santa Maria Grills /Argetine Grills, I found a company called Sunterra Outdoor that has a couple of options which caught my eye. I did some searching on the interwebs but couldn't really find any reviews on their products. It also appears that they entered the market last year so that might be the reason. They have a connection to BBQ Pit Boys that they market, but I'm not familiar with that group. So, any feedback on Sunterra Outdoor's products. Here is a link to their site and the Santa Maria grills that look legit.

Don't fall for the "BBQ Pit Boys" nonsense.
Links below for further info.

It is a fantasy website owned by a company called Times Publishing, LLC that owns many other "common interest" websites.
The BBQ Pit Boys are nothing but the figment of an internet marketers imagination.
BBQ Pit Boys TOS
BBQ Pit Boys Trademarked by: Times Publishing, LLC
Parent Company: Times Publishing, LLC

Sunterra is the name of the USA sales office for a Mexican company named Ferro Arte de Mexico.
Don't fall for the "BBQ Pit Boys" nonsense.
Links below for further info.

It is a fantasy website owned by a company called Times Publishing, LLC that owns many other "common interest" websites.
The BBQ Pit Boys are nothing but the figment of an internet marketers imagination.
BBQ Pit Boys TOS
BBQ Pit Boys Trademarked by: Times Publishing, LLC
Parent Company: Times Publishing, LLC

Sunterra is the name of the USA sales office for a Mexican company named Ferro Arte de Mexico.


There's no "nonsense" about the fact that the BBQ Pit Boys have become a very successful business operation, regardless of what one thinks of them.

From a business standpoint, the real issue here is that they have either partnered or licensed their name to Sunterra Outdoor, who appears to not be living up to the claims they are making about the work they do and their ability to deliver it.

Just this fact alone puts both the BBQ Pit Boys and Sunterra brands at risk. A perfect example would be the chitsorm that ensued with the inferior Kamados that Richard Johnson was cranking out some years ago.

The biggest red flag for me is that I can't seem to find a single review of their products, with the exception of one Facebook post from a "happy customer" in 2015. Not a good sign...

There's no "nonsense" about the fact that the BBQ Pit Boys have become a very successful business operation, regardless of what one thinks of them.


Yes. I know you are right..from a business perspective.

From a personal perspective; It irritates me when a big business poses as a small grassroots business to gain customers

If they gonna trick their customers in one way, they're likely gonna trick them in other ways.

I could swear I just saw a Sunterra Grill someplace and thought it looked pretty good. Can't remember where though. Been in some unusual places (for me) lately.


I could swear I just saw a Sunterra Grill someplace and thought it looked pretty good. Can't remember where though. Been in some unusual places (for me) lately.


Their grills certainly look very good, especially if you go by the Santa Maria grill assembly video:

[ame=""]Sunterra Outdoor Santa Maria Unpacking and Assembly - YouTube[/ame]
Don't fall for the "BBQ Pit Boys" nonsense.
Links below for further info.

It is a fantasy website owned by a company called Times Publishing, LLC that owns many other "common interest" websites.
The BBQ Pit Boys are nothing but the figment of an internet marketers imagination.
BBQ Pit Boys TOS
BBQ Pit Boys Trademarked by: Times Publishing, LLC
Parent Company: Times Publishing, LLC

Sunterra is the name of the USA sales office for a Mexican company named Ferro Arte de Mexico.

You are correct about SUNTERRA, they outsource their production to MEXICO. The owner Enrique Valdes is nothing but a con artist..This is why this company is not only a logistical nightmare but a customer service nightmare! ...

There's no "nonsense" about the fact that the BBQ Pit Boys have become a very successful business operation, regardless of what one thinks of them.

From a business standpoint, the real issue here is that they have either partnered or licensed their name to Sunterra Outdoor, who appears to not be living up to the claims they are making about the work they do and their ability to deliver it.

Just this fact alone puts both the BBQ Pit Boys and Sunterra brands at risk. A perfect example would be the chitsorm that ensued with the inferior Kamados that Richard Johnson was cranking out some years ago.

The biggest red flag for me is that I can't seem to find a single review of their products, with the exception of one Facebook post from a "happy customer" in 2015. Not a good sign...

You can read my review of my dealings with SUNTERRA OUTDOORS, and i assure you it is accurate and literally still unfolding....nothing but a scam.
Sorry to hear of your issues with them. Sounds like the Florida Attorneys involvement might be needed if your funds are not returned. Just the negative exposure on this website, word of mouth and consumer protection websites will no doubt hurt this company, if they stay open. Good luck to you!