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Staff member

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Dec 9, 2004
Wandering, but not lost
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Captain Ron
Gang, we have very specific rules covering the posting of requests for money, whether this be a fundraiser, a Kickstarter campaign or a GoFundMe. Please read this and refrain from posting these(especially in Qtalk) without prior approval from the Admin team. Posting these without approval puts the Admin and mod team in the difficult position of having to delete your post. While we sympathize with the various causes, we would be bombarded with requests for money if we didn't follow our rules.

We acknowledge that everyone has a cause or favorite charity, but we cannot be burdening our membership by constantly posting fundraisers and $$ requests. We choose them carefully and do this to manage what goes on, not run the well dry and avoid drive-bys and fly-by-nights from using our forum haphazardly or for self serving purposes. Since we have already declined or deleted many requests and ventures, precedent has been set and we have to be fair.

Any fundraisers must be proposed or requested to the admin team. Each one is reviewed individually on a case by case basis. IF approved, they will be posted by the admins and/or mods after being reviewed, or you will be given the go ahead to post yourself. They are also reserved for tenured members whom we are familiar with and aware of the causes associated with the fundraiser. We also keep it to members and immediate families only. Please refrain from requesting fundraisers for your cousins soccer team, the local high school dance troop, your neighbors kids, or any third parties as they will likely be declined and we prefer NOT to be put on the spot or in a position that may case ill feelings. Any self-serving campaign will also not be allowed, so be prepared. This also pertains to kickstarter campaigns and gofundme sites.
I totally understand.... I know it is hard for you guys to kick one out.. There are so many needs out there I see them daily.. I myself love to help.... the hard part is turning people down and sifting what is ligit and what is not..... Tyler got ... Got... And him being young it left a foul taste in his mouth....thx for all you guys do.... Glad y'all ain't hiring I would suck at yalls job.....
Personally, I believe there should be a forum set up specifically for GoFundMe or Kickstarter campaigns. The ability to post to the forum should be restricted by a fairly high post count or a certain amount of time of ACTIVE membership so the fly by night folks can't get into it. That way, members here who are interested in helping out can read the posts and make their own choice as to whether they want to help out or not. We're all adults here, we can make our decisions on what causes or campaigns we want to spend our money on and this could be a good way to give people of a charitable mind a place to check out multiple outlets for their charity.
Personally, I believe there should be a forum set up specifically for GoFundMe or Kickstarter campaigns. The ability to post to the forum should be restricted by a fairly high post count or a certain amount of time of ACTIVE membership so the fly by night folks can't get into it. That way, members here who are interested in helping out can read the posts and make their own choice as to whether they want to help out or not. We're all adults here, we can make our decisions on what causes or campaigns we want to spend our money on and this could be a good way to give people of a charitable mind a place to check out multiple outlets for their charity.

I think this is what they do now, Kevin.

They shut the fly by nights down post haste.

If it were me and my neighborhood, I'd steer clear of all of it (online charities, requests, etc.) these days.

Unless it's Operation BBQ Relief...different ballgame all-together, there.
I think this is what they do now, Kevin.

They shut the fly by nights down post haste.

If it were me and my neighborhood, I'd steer clear of all of it (online charities, requests, etc.) these days.

Unless it's Operation BBQ Relief...different ballgame all-together, there.

I understand wanting to shut down the hit and run posters just trying to get money. I just think a forum where an established member can post a link to a GoFundMe page or a Kickstarter campaign could be nice.

If a member here had a GoFundMe page trying to raise money to offset medical bills for themselves or a family member, I'd want to know about it. Just like I pay for a subscription to these forums because I believe in helping them, I want the chance to support members and their causes. This forum and the members here have been invaluable to me over the last couple of years and if someone is having difficult times or is trying to launch a new product, I want to contribute.
I'm speaking out of turn, since I'm no longer a moderator, but I had a hand in crafting the existing rules.

The rules as they exist were established to review each fundraiser based on merit. Guidelines were established to attempt to narrow the scope. Once the horse is out of the barn, it's hard to get it back in. Tenure, and post count are factors that are considered, but they aren't the only ones.

From your perspective your solution makes perfect sense. From a forum admin or moderator perspective it's a little more involved. If I have tenure, and post count I can start a fundraiser for whatever cause you find objectionable, potentially end the relationship with Google and the banner ads that help support this forum. The same thread could get picked up by search engine spiders and live on in search results for years.

It can be a delicate balance. The rules, as they exist, were crafted to limit the benefit of one of the most popular BBQ forums to members and those closest to them.
I'm speaking out of turn, since I'm no longer a moderator, but I had a hand in crafting the existing rules.

The rules as they exist were established to review each fundraiser based on merit. Guidelines were established to attempt to narrow the scope. Once the horse is out of the barn, it's hard to get it back in. Tenure, and post count are factors that are considered, but they aren't the only ones.

From your perspective your solution makes perfect sense. From a forum admin or moderator perspective it's a little more involved. If I have tenure, and post count I can start a fundraiser for whatever cause you find objectionable, potentially end the relationship with Google and the banner ads that help support this forum. The same thread could get picked up by search engine spiders and live on in search results for years.

It can be a delicate balance. The rules, as they exist, were crafted to limit the benefit of one of the most popular BBQ forums to members and those closest to them.

You're absolutely not speaking out of turn and you make a lot of sense. The same care can be taken with a dedicated forum with the rules loosened.
For instance: I'm doing a benefit cook for a fellow barbecue guy in my town who's wife has stage four cervical cancer. There's a GoFundMe page to help defray medical costs and help the family through this time. I post the GoFundMe link along with the backstory on a dedicated forum that's moderated. The moderator reviews the post, makes sure it isn't something objectionable, approves the post and it goes up. People who have an interest in donating can visit the page, see the post and decide if they want to contribute or not.
Since it's on its own page, nobody in Qtalk or the Woodpile is being inundated with requests for money, and the only people who see the posts are people who actually seek out a cause to which they want to donate.
You're absolutely not speaking out of turn and you make a lot of sense. The same care can be taken with a dedicated forum with the rules loosened.
For instance: I'm doing a benefit cook for a fellow barbecue guy in my town who's wife has stage four cervical cancer. There's a GoFundMe page to help defray medical costs and help the family through this time. I post the GoFundMe link along with the backstory on a dedicated forum that's moderated. The moderator reviews the post, makes sure it isn't something objectionable, approves the post and it goes up. People who have an interest in donating can visit the page, see the post and decide if they want to contribute or not.
Since it's on its own page, nobody in Qtalk or the Woodpile is being inundated with requests for money, and the only people who see the posts are people who actually seek out a cause to which they want to donate.
Which unpaid mod are you volunteering for this task? And the grief they risk for ruling against someone? Are you volunteering?