Your forgotten smoker

Don't make me think - Yes I have unused thing that cook with fire. I know for sure I have a Weber portable gas grill still in the box and just got a new red 22 OTG that is still a virgin
Steve should I show my cold smoker/ex offset cooker on the stilts? That thing I see every single day but still forgot about it! I need to at least start cold smoking things like cheese in it again....and before it gets hot outside!

Well i was hoping to get pictures of all our orphaned smokers
My cheapo smoke n grill hasn't been used in over two years. I haven't used my stick burner in over a year since my pellet grill came along. I am very stuck on my UDS for smoking food so I may have to build another model soon! :wink:
The WSM hasn't been touched since purchasing a Humphreys Pint. I'm giving it away and selling my other cookers. I am very content with what I have now and don't see myself using anything else for the foreseeable future. It's a good feeling.
not exactly a smoker but my santa maria is to big for regular use so it gets neglected a bit...I dunno?
Hang on to that WSM. MY 2003 18" went neglected for quite some time. Things change and it's now it's an important part of our competition regimen.
I try to use all of my grills/smokers. That way when i ask the wife for a new one she doesnt pull well you don't use all the ones you have now....The least used would be the smoke vault though. Maybe pull it out every couple months
I pretty much fire up the stick burner for everything even if just for a single rack of ribs, so the WSM and UDS get neglected a lot... unless I have the big pit in the garage for some reason and don't feel like maneuvering it into my yard. I also have two drums just waiting on me (for about three years) to make more UDS's... I am not getting rid of teh WSM or UDS though because everyone in awhile I need a set it and forget it cook.
Since I purchased the Assassin grill, my 22" kettle has been retired. But I plan on bringing it out of retirement, when my daughter move into her college house. That way I will have a cooker when I go see her.
My Traeger - I haven't taken the cover off since I got my RF and a nice supply of wood. It has been a little over a year and I'm starting to wonder if it will still even work as there might be wood pellets swollen and stuck in the auger after such a wet winter out here.
My Brinkmann, it's probably time to toss it. Just sits in the rain and gets rusty now. I bought it for $30 and used it for about a year and a half, it did it's job but with a 500 gallon water tank cooker and a wsm there's no way I will cook on that thing again.
My 18" kettle collects dust most of the time. But when I need a little extra space (like Wed night) I drag it out and fire her up. It's also the one I use most for camping. But mostly it just looks lonely on the back deck.