Yesterday Party



Yesterday I grilled a cut of meat that is extremely hard to get. Finally a butcher in Plano TX got it for me from a side of beef. It is a complete flank (primal cut)
app. 22 lbs or so. This went on my Uruguayan style grill pit only with coarse salt, and grilled approximately 15 inches from pecan wood ambers. Grilled very slowly, 2 1/2 hours on the fat side and then flipped it for 2 hours on the membrane side.

It came out like butter and my guests (mostly Argentinians) made it disappear in 30 minutes.

Great meal. The day I figure out how to upload pictures will do so.

This complete cut is known as VACIO in Argentina and Uruguay.
Put the pictures on Photobucket. Then copy the IMG Code for each picture that you want to post and paste that into a post on here.
The other pic is a 25 lb piggie marinated ready for the UDS, but used as a grill, cooked it at 310 F.