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RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: WSM Slowburn what about Creasote?

Mords, I have a nutemp and a WSM. Great burns, that's for sure! I was impressed!
I have a few nu-temps a wsm and a guru......still impressed...R2D2.. never heard that one but very good!
I just re-read every post here.
Maybe I missed something.

"Chunks" has different meanings to different people in different cookers.
The WSM does not need many or much "Wood Chunks" to enhance the flavor/smoke ring, or whatever.

We use "Chunks" that are the size of a matchbook--tiny!
Chad uses one hand full, I use two handfulls. Spread throughout the KingsFord.

Great flavor and smokering and no problem with creosote cause the wood heats in the charcoal, is filtered by the upper burn area, and then burns clean!
Also, no buildup on the inside of the WSM which may be caused by burning lots of wood.
Also--no spikes in temp--locked on!

We get only a "wiff" of thin white smoke as they light off--hard to see if you are not looking for it!


"Chunks" has different meanings to different people in different cookers
Good point, Tim. I call something the size of my fist a chunk, matchbook size to me would be called a chip.

Anything smaller is sawdust, or shreds.

I use pieces that are somewhere between your chunk size and my chunk size, probably closer to your chunk size in the WSM.