Would it make a difference if?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2013
Just wondering if the results would be the same if you use a covered foil pan instead of wrapping your bbq with foil, just seems a lot easier and less messy to me
I use a foil pan all the time. I used to wrap with foil but the last roll I got from Sams even though it said heavy duty was much thinner than the previous roll of the same stuff. I was having to double wrap and it still was tearing or getting holes so I went to the foil pans. I cook mostly brisket flats so depending on how big they are I put them in the same hotel size pan. Works great.
I have been playing with cooking the whole butt or brisket in a pan to ease with clean up. I bought some cheap bakers racks to put in the pan to keep the meat up from the drippings and to let the smoke circulate all around the meat. WHen I get to the wraping phase I just wrap the top of the pan.

I have only done this a few times but so far I cannot tell any difference.
Results same.

Better is they dont snag/catch on the grate and tear.

Not as good, if packing a bunch in a cooler/warmer they dont fit as nicely together as they did before...