Worst Competition Mistake Ever?

Not at a BBQ competition but at a chili competition I somehow managed to pack everything except a spoon...

I judged BBQ (Memphis in May, then Memphis BBQ Network) for many years at many competitions and as MIM/MBN have on-site judging I've been able to bare witness to many mistakes. Drinking too much is probably right at the top; particular for rookies, and unfortunately most of them never return. Not cooking enough meat and/or not understanding turn-in times (lack of practice) is probably a close second. Forgetting to pack something key is probably third. Then, getting hooked, or trying to change the world with your winning recipe is next (not understanding that while you may love your BBQ the rest of the world may not see it for the brilliance that you see it).
Getting Top Ribs in NJ at the NJ State BBQ Championship @ Wildwood (2nd place KCBS ribs, Top Team from NJ - Butch Lupinetti Memorial Award) in a field of almost 70 teams with Baby Backs and then deciding to turn in Spares at our next comp.

You know the saying. If it aint broke, don't fix it.
This has been some awesome information. Its not often that you find a board where everyone is so helpful. I truly appreciate it.

As for expectations, we want to have fun, cook some good q, and meet some new people. I view it like my golf game...i like competition but i have never once relied on golf to feed the family. That stress falls to my day job...

Again, thank you everyone for your willingness to help.

Everyone told me before my first comp, (which was just last week, btw) to do exactly as you said here, have fun, cook well, meet people and just try not to finish DAL ! We accomplished all that and had a great time. ENJOY the cook!
Overpacking. There are some good checklists out there for "stuff to bring to comps". When you end up with 6 of everything it's a pain to shuffle through lots of cr*p to find that urgently needed item.

And just say no to that yummy apple flavored moonshine offered to you at 1am. Trust me on that one :)

You must have been beside Bub-Ba-Q!
My first solo competition was Sams Club MWC

Sat AM I opened the hopper on my FEC while I foiled my big cuts so the constant opening and closing the door wouldn't cause the FEC to run the auger and spike the temp in the pit...

Needless to say, about 25 min later I realized I left it open... fire was out... Restarted without problems and finished the cook on time... 6th in Pork! 8th in chicken...

... and I was hooked. It's amazing how hearing your name called fuels the fire of BBQ addiction.
Never buy fireworks at 130 am at a kcbs comp.it may seem like the thing to do but the next morning many people will inquire about you leaving.too bad your my cousin comp team got famous fast.best story I've ever heard.
Not taking all the foil off my brisket before slicing it. Trust me, if you don't you will regret it. I got to meet Ron Harwell that day.
Not checking the thermometer on a borrowed pit, and speed cooking my briskets before realizing what was going on. Middle of the pack, with pulled point was very, VERY, kind of the judges.
Not trusting your thermometer that is in your brisket - so you stick it in 4 different places on the brisket, then trying 2 other thermometers to verify. Then using about 2 rolls of paper towels to clean up all the juice that ran out.

Then wandering why your brisket was as dry as jerky at turn in.
I dropped all my chicken into gravel once in Arkansas. No big deal though, it was only for $100,000.00 and we drove 20 hours to get there. Makes for a good laugh now though.....
Never buy fireworks at 130 am at a kcbs comp.it may seem like the thing to do but the next morning many people will inquire about you leaving.too bad your my cousin comp team got famous fast.best story I've ever heard.

I kinda want to hear this story now.